DEV Community

Mohamed Adel
Mohamed Adel

Posted on

by developer, for developers

i have been playing with computers all my life. i am from the late dial-up internet era. the modem dialing sounds still feel like the beginning of an adventure to me.

i had the opportunity to shift careers in the last couple of years and got a nice deal freelancing remotely for a abroad company, doing web developments. i manage the server side of things and do what every full stack developer does..breaks things, then fix them.

the idea was to get my freelancing career started and have some extra job on the side, so where does that begins? a website of course.

easier said than done. life happens and i find myself stuck between completing tasks, fighting through life, or just napping..with the occasional gaming now and then (eve online, csgo anyone?)

i still don't know what i can show in my portfolio and what not, so i just wanted to get one going. so i worked on something that has a tribute to couple of things that a like, and an Easter egg...all would be kinda appreciated by fellow developers and geeks, but not so much for any potential clients. its a lot of fun doing stuff like that.


the code and the website for now is on github

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