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Mohammad Faisal
Mohammad Faisal

Posted on • Originally published at

15 Rules For Writing Clean JavaScript

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So you are a React developer or Node.js developer. You can write code that works. But can you write code that is visually beautiful and understandable by others?

Today we will see some rules to make your JavaScript code clean and clear.

Rule 1. Don’t Use Random Characters as Variable

Don’t use some random character to express a variable.


const x = 4;
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Name your variable properly so that it describes the value properly.


const numberOfChildren = 4;
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Rule 2. Use camelCase Variable Name

Don’t use snake_case, PascalCase, or a variable name that starts with a verb.

// Bad: Begins with uppercase letter 

var UserName = "Faisal"; 


// Bad: Begins with verb 

var getUserName = "Faisal"; 


// Bad: Uses underscore 

var user_name = "faisal";
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Instead, use a camel-cased variable name that represents a noun.

// Good

const userName = "Faisal";
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Rule 3. Use Good camelCase Function Name

Don’t use any noun as a function name to avoid confusion with the variable names.

// Bad: Begins with uppercase letter 
function DoSomething() {  
    // code 


// Bad: Begins with noun 
function car() {  
    // code 


// Bad: Uses underscores 
function do_something() {  
    // code 
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Instead, start the name with a verb and use camel case.


function doSomething() {
    // code
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Rule 4. Use PascalCase For Constructor Function Naming

// Bad: Begins with lowercase letter 
function myObject() {  
    // code 


// Bad: Uses underscores 
function My_Object() {  
    // code 


// Bad: Begins with verb 
function getMyObject() {  
    // code 
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Also, Constructor function names should begin with a nonverb because new is the action of creating an object instance.


function MyObject() {  
    // code 
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Rule 5. Global Constants

Global constants whose value doesn't change should not be named like normal variables.

// BAD

const numberOfChildren = 4;

// BAD 

const number_of_children = 4;
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They should be all upper case and separated with underscores.


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Rule 6. Assignment to Variable

Don’t assign a comparison value to a variable without parentheses.

// BAD 

const flag = i < count;
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Use parentheses around the expression:


const flag = (i < count);
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Rule 7. Usage of Equality Operators

Don't use “==” or “!=” to compare values. Because they don't type check before comparison.


if (a == b){
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Instead, always use “===” or “!==” to avoid type coercion errors.


if (a === b){
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Rule 8. Usage of the Ternary Operator

Don’t use the ternary operator as an alternative to if statement:


condition ? doSomething() : doSomethingElse();
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Only use them to assign values based on some condition:


const value = condition ? value1 : value2;
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Rule 9. Simple Statement

Although JavaScript supports it. Don’t write multiple statements in a single line.

// BAD

a =b; count ++;
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Instead, have multiple lines for multiple statements. And always use a semicolon at the end of a line.


a = b;
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Rule 10. Use of If Statements

Don’t omit the braces from an if statement and never keep them in a single line.

// BAD: Improper spacing 


// BAD: Missing braces 
if (condition)  


// BAD: All on one line 
if (condition) { doSomething(); } 


// BAD: All on one line without braces 
if (condition) doSomething();
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Always use braces and proper spacing:


if (condition) {
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Rule 11. Usage of For Loop

Don’t declare the variable in the initialization of a for loop.

// BAD: Variables declared during initialization 

for (let i=0, len=10; i < len; i++) {  
    // code 
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Declare them before the loop.


let i = 0;

for (i=0, len=10; i < len; i++) {  
    // code 
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Rule 12. Consistent Indentation Length

Stick to using 2 or 4 all the time.


if (condition) {
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Rule 13. Line Length

Any line should not be more than 80 characters. If it’s more than that they should be broken up into a new line.

// BAD: Following line only indented four spaces doSomething(argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4,


// BAD: Breaking before operator 
doSomething(argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4
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The second line should be indented **8 spaces **instead of 4 and shouldn't start with a separator.

doSomething(argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4,
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Rule 14. Primitive Literals

Strings shouldn’t use a single quote.

// BAD

const description = 'this is a description';
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Instead, they should always use double-quotation


const description = "this is a description";
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Rule 15: Use of “undefined”

Never use the special value undefined.

// BAD

if (variable === "undefined") {  
    // do something 
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To see if a variable has been defined, use the typeof operator

    // GOOD

    if (typeof variable === "undefined") {  
        // do something 
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So by following these rules, you can make your JavaScript projects cleaner.

These rules are taken from the book “Maintainable Javascript” written by “Nicholas C. Zakas”. So if you don’t agree with some of the points, I guess that’s fine. When it comes to styling there is no single way. But the rules here can be a good starting point for you.

That’s it for today. Happy Coding! :D

Get in touch with me via LinkedIn or my Personal Website.

Top comments (15)

axel_nieminen_072275fab50 profile image

Great article! From my perspective the usage of if statements on one line is very clear if the condition and the function have declarative names. I often omit the braces if I'm sure it's easy to read. :)

dvalin99 profile image
Domenico Tenace

Nice article!
I have one more point, in my opinion, that would help to write clean code in JavaScript:

Use a maximum of two input parameters for functions.

For me, this is a good helper to write clean code and visually helps to understand the code better.
What do you think?

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

Totally agree. Although I would go upto 3 parameters.

itsahsanmangal profile image
Ahsan Mangal 👨🏻‍💻

This rticle is well-organized and straightforward, presenting 15 distinct rules, each with its own "bad" and "good" examples.

himanshudevgupta profile image
Himanshu Gupta

Such a good article @mohammadfaisal thank you for sharing

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

Thank you!

matborowiak profile image
Mat Borowiak

What do you think about one-liner guards inside functions? These also stack nicely. Eg:

const myFunction = (name) => {
   if (shouldStop) return;
   if (alsoShouldStop) return;

   const changedName = changeName(name);
   return changedName;
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jackmellis profile image

Very few of these rules come with any actual explanation.
Some of them do have an important purpose (consistent variable casing means a developer from any language/codebase can quickly identify classes/variables/constants, for example), but lots of these rules are purely personal preference.
I think you'd find a lot of these difficult to justify other than "that's how I do it", "it said so in a book", or "because prettier"

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

Maybe. But is there any universal styleguide for javascript? I guess not.
So every style guideline will ultimately fall into the "personal pereferance" bucket

jackmellis profile image

There are a few "standard" rulesets for eslint, and there's prettier, but ultimately there are a lot of personal preferences - which are absolutely fine to have. However, there's a big difference between personal stylistic preferences, and practices that are intended to reduce bugs/errors.

balazssoltesz profile image
Balazs Soltesz

Or in one sentence: use eslint

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

Eslint is a tool that helps to apply the knowledge with ease.

Eslint is not the knowledge.

edmundasramanauskas profile image
Edmundas Ramanauskas • Edited

sorry if this sounds offensive (I'm not trying to be) but neither is your post.
you wrote 15 rules but didn't explain why they're good.
also, I would like to know you're reasoning regarding points 11 and 14.
I've never seen 11 in action unless you have 2 loops in a row and want to reuse variable.
regarding 14, I've seen people using both and never had any problem myself with either. and personally I prefer using single quotes because if you need to put html or json inside the string you don't need to escape it.
point 15 is just comparing apples to potatoes. it's just a mistake and no linter will help you here. so it shouldn't be in the list because you're just saying don't make this particular mistake and it has nothing to do with coding style or rules. unless you made a mistake yourself and actually meant variable === undefined instead in which case it warrants an explanation.

Thread Thread
mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

I understand your point. These rules are taken from the book “Maintainable Javascript” written by “Nicholas C. Zakas”.

So obviously we will not agree on all the points. Because style is subjective.

poljeff profile image
Pol Jeff

I disagree with rules 11 and 14