HAPPY Hump Day!!! Thought this might be something fun to do to break up the week. What GIF would you use to describe your job and why?
Here is the...
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I want to hit more than one 💓 for this.
omg lol this is EPIC!
This is amazing and scarily accurate ha!
HAHAHA I was waiting for someone to pull out an IT Crowd GIF. Such a good show!
Can't argue with that. It is one of my all time favourite shows. :)
This GIF just went in our QA slack channel and got major props :D
You misspelled "IA"
totally accurate!
I have dozens of these in my head, each for a different aspect of an app.
Nothing beats a good XKCD!
Oh have definitely had more than a few days like this!
First time I saw this I laughed so hard I cried. This is what fixing a bug in production feels like. 😆
I'm choosing the 5th circle of developer hell

so good i looked for the full ver: blog.toggl.com/seven-levels-develo...
For now I'm in paternal leave
and when you call me
also me sometimes
OMG YES! I def feel like this some days!
Going to have to bend the rules and use two GIFs to cover all use cases.
Any client facing developer will feel this when going through ridiculous, nonsensical amends.
Me in the startup that learns by doing daily.
Had this moment IRL today and it was fabulous :D twitter.com/molly_struve/status/10...
not a gif but...

"I really thought this was going to work out fine..."
Sometimes you are and then other times, 2 days later, "No, really, this time I am close!" 😂
It's not a gif but I did make it for my job. Some days are better than others...
This would be mine. Not a lot of devs to work with and they’d be the only ones to get what I do.
GREAT movie!!! The guys I work with got me to watch it for the first time last year, not I constantly pull PR GIFs from it.
Do you remember the name of the movie? I have never seen and am curious to watch it
Office Space!
Waiting for stuff to get signed off like...
It's just a flesh wound...

Waiting for the Holy hand grenade one :)
I thought in this very gif, just checking nobody posted it before me... ✅
I was scrolling down the comments, waiting for this one to pop up. :-)
Everyday :C

Me IRL after I set something on fire lol
Waiting to see if your deployment succeeds:
AANNNNDDD then it fails
Lol that's a good one 😀
I can hear him saying the line in my head... I nearly spit coffee on my monitor when I saw this. 😂
BAHAHAHA I have never seen this one and I love it!
I can hear this gif
When I see the code I have to work with
When I hear the deadline was last week.
Go, go, gadget coding hands! lol
Me, when the Sales Guy emails saying he hasn't seen his order processed, and it's because I'm fixing a bug.
Better late than never...
Depending on the day, my job is...
/somewhere in between.
OMG that first GIF 😂😂
Sorry I'm a bit late but this post is amazing!
And my favorite:
I LOVE all of these!!!! 😍
I deal with a lot of red tape, so
Being a contractor and moving from project to project: i.imgur.com/TOsmDTs.gif
Although I'm full time, due to some aspects of my company's new business models this is a sentiment I can co-sign.
And at least in my case, there are a bunch of other pods dropping in formation and Capsule Corporation has issued us all portable Zeppelins... metaphor extension transitions into drifting off into make believe happy place
I LOVE this one and have no idea how I've never found it before.
I'm a data engineer and this might be the best GIF I've ever seen for my job.
not exactly a gif..
LOL I have not seen that meme before but I LOVE it!!!
To get the image to render try

Hey Jan! Our comment form is in markdown so to add an image, you'll need this syntax:

This dialog itself tells more about software development than the image posted (or intended to be posted).
Today at work

Oooof! I hope tomorrow is better!!!!
We always do.
SO appropriate!
More days than not...
Me, trying to fix bugs:
Usually my reaction when I look at code "Past Molly" wrote lol
It's a startup and I'm managing App Development.
Backend, Frontend, designs, etc.
Now the fun part.
I am a fresher :)
This is fine
Pushing out requested features
This is usually accompanied by a complete lack of any available resources to get the work done.
LOL great movie!!!
This is how it went for half the projects I wanted to do prior to us forming our SRE team. Now that we have an SRE team we can finally accomplish all those things we had been wanting to do forever!
Me in a startup to constantly try different stuff to learn by doing.
Source code management

Curent status

I know, this thread is old, but I just found it OK?
Here's what I see since I'm responsible for architecture:

It works!
That it does hahaha
working on pointless features
That's me each day looking at new changes from junior developers in project

Always :)
Every. Single. Day. lol
If this was with a movie name , I would say shutter island 😂😂.
I could not found that 'run!' scene gif to send here