I code and I competitively ride horses.
I code and I go to bed at 9 pm.

I code and I am a morning person.

I code and I run at least 3 miles every morning.

I code and I love to snowboard.
I code and I take care of my 2 fur babies.
I code and I enjoy the outdoors. (especially MT!)
I code and I know my way around a crossbow.
I code and I was in a sorority in college. (Sigma Kappa!)
I code and I am a strong, beautiful, confident, badass woman. I dare you to doubt me.
Top comments (22)
Wow, you are so active. Your hobbies are a whole 'nother full time job.
Wow this was inspiring to read! I've been so obsessed with code lately that I forgot to live a little haha I've been doing cold training (I take a dip in the river every other morning) and this post inspired me to step it up a little bit!
YAY!!!! A healthy body means a healthy mind and that leads to better code 😎
You code and you seriously rock as a person! Honored to work with you! 😀
Whoa! A dinosaur hunter as well! 😂
Jurassic Park taught me well, can never be too prepared
Love this post! It quickly conveys the point through the pictures and some backing text, well done. This is the best "1 min read" that I've ever read 😃
PS: I suppose this is the first time that I've actually read the post within the specified read time. 😉
So much better than mine, Molly! Great job with all those wonderful pics.
When you are feeling a little lazy let the pictures do the talking 😉
I hope I don’t get in your way when that crossbow is in your hands LOL.
very inspiring.
I love this ❤️
"Always Ambitious"
Gonna steal that motto 😁