Overview of My Submission
I previously introduced Wordleit which is a platform I'm building with tools that would get the best use out of Deepgram's speech recognition services.
Wordleit Streamer is a free online video streamer for Youtube, Vimeo and local mp4 videos supported with Deepgram AI Speech To Text. It's allowing the user to play the video and using a microphone, the user can record the audio coming out from external speakers and then Deepgram is going to live transcribe the audio.
Wordleit Streamer is useful for people who are Deaf, have hard of hearing, or have difficulty processing auditory information.
Table of Content |
Built with |
Submission Category |
Link to Code on GitHub |
Link to the tool live demo |
Additional Resources and Tutorial |
Built with:
Future improvements:
- Adding translation.
- More formats and sources for videos.
- Allowing the user to stream with Webcams and get immediate live transcription.
Submission Category:
- Accessibility Advocates.
Link to Code on GitHub::
Wordleit is a free open source markdown text editor that gives you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. Supported with AI Speech Recognition.
Welcome To My Wordleit š
Wordleit Editor is a free open source markdown text editor that gives you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. Supported with AI Speech Recognition. Text to speech - Speech to text - Mp3 to Text.
Wordleit Streamer is a free open source video streamer and online transcriptor tool.
Wordleit Grammy AI Bot AI speaking Bot created to serve your purposes.
š Homepage
āØ Editor Demo
āØ Streamer Demo
āØ Grammy Demo
Hackathon Submissions:
- Wordleit Editor
1- https://dev.to/moose_said/write-articles-with-ai-speech-recognition-and-live-preview-508k
2- https://dev.to/moose_said/use-vocal-commands-to-apply-markdown-to-your-article-99
3- https://dev.to/moose_said/text-editor-with-text-to-speech-and-speech-to-text-4l37
- Wordleit Streamer:
- Wordleit Grammy
š¤ Mostafa Said
- Website: https://twitter.com/Moose_Said
- Twitter: @Moose_Said
- Github: @MooseSaeed
- LinkedIn: @moosesaid
š¤ Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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Thanks for checking this out and stay tuned for my next updates on this š Please let me know what you think below :)
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