Hello everyone 👋
This is a second release for a project I previously submitted. But if you're not going to check out the first submission then you should just know that Wordleit Editor is a free in-browser markdown text editor that gives you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. And also it's supported with Deepgram AI Speech Recognition service.
What's new?
1- Fixed "Stop Recording" button to make it close Deepgram connection and stop listening to the mic.
2- Some improvements for the UI.
3- Markdown improvements.
"Magic Keys" 🎩?
Magic keys are keywords you can use while recording in order to apply a specific markdown action. I tried to include as many as I could and make things as smooth as possible at the same time.
This is all VueJS and Deepgram magic 🚀
Show me 👀!
This is a quick video I recorded to demonstrate the new feature and show you how it can be used.
Try it out yourself:
Link to Code on GitHub:
Wordleit is a free open source markdown text editor that gives you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. Supported with AI Speech Recognition.
Welcome To My Wordleit 👋
Wordleit Editor is a free open source markdown text editor that gives you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. Supported with AI Speech Recognition. Text to speech - Speech to text - Mp3 to Text.
Wordleit Streamer is a free open source video streamer and online transcriptor tool.
Wordleit Grammy AI Bot AI speaking Bot created to serve your purposes.
🏠 Homepage
✨ Editor Demo
✨ Streamer Demo
✨ Grammy Demo
Hackathon Submissions:
- Wordleit Editor
1- https://dev.to/moose_said/write-articles-with-ai-speech-recognition-and-live-preview-508k
2- https://dev.to/moose_said/use-vocal-commands-to-apply-markdown-to-your-article-99
3- https://dev.to/moose_said/text-editor-with-text-to-speech-and-speech-to-text-4l37
- Wordleit Streamer:
- Wordleit Grammy
👤 Mostafa Said
- Website: https://twitter.com/Moose_Said
- Twitter: @Moose_Said
- Github: @MooseSaeed
- LinkedIn: @moosesaid
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
⚙️ Built with:
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Show your support
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…Possible improvements:
There is still a big room of improvement to the UI and to the code but there is something that I would like to add in the next update which is a new feature to check your article positive vibes after finishing. Mainly track positive and negative keywords and then gives you a score.
Thank you for checking this out and please let me know if you think it's cool 🤘
Top comments (2)
Wow, this is really impressive, I watched the demo and it seemed very smooth. I have not generally been a fan of dictating my writing, but I like what you’ve built here. Well done!
Thank you Andy! ❤️ I'm so glad you liked it.