DEV Community

Md. Moshfiqur Rahman Rony
Md. Moshfiqur Rahman Rony

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Services VS Utils - What is the difference between Services and Utils

I very often get a question that What are the Services and Utils in programming?

In programming, the terms services and utils refer to two different types of modular components that can be used in software development.


Services are typically used to provide some sort of functionality that can be used by other parts of the program. This might include things like

  • Accessing a database.
  • Sending an email.
  • Making an API call.

Services are often designed to be reusable, meaning that they can be used in multiple different parts of a program without having to be rewritten each time.


Utils, on the other hand, are typically small, specialized pieces of code that are used to perform specific tasks. These tasks might include things like

  • Data validation
  • Formatting
  • Calculations.

Utils are often used to help simplify and organize the code in a program, making it easier to write and maintain.

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