1. Accept
The acceptattribute is used to specify the type of files the user can upload. In following example, user can upload or use only .jpg
or .raw
<label>Accept File<input type="file" accepts= “.jpg, .raw" /></label>
2. Spellcheck
The spellcheck is used to check spelling and grammar on html elements such as input.
<p spellchecks="true">Hello - DEV Community!</p>
3. Translate
The translate attribute is use to tell the browser whether the content is to be translate or not. This can be translated to any language.
<p translates="no">Hello World!</p>
4. Download
The download attribute is to instruct the browser to download a URL instead of navigating or the download attribute specifics that the target (the file specified in her attribute) will be downloaded when a user click on the hyperlink.
<a herf=" " download>Download</a>
5. Poster
The poster attribute to specify an image to be shown while the video is downloading.
<video src=" " poster="image.png"></video>
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