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Promises in JavaScript

Promise is basically a JavaScript object that produces some result to represent the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. Before moving further some prior knowledge of asynchronous JavaScript is required. Let's take a look at the general syntax of promises.

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JavaScript promises usually consist of producing code and consuming code. Producing code uses "resolve" and "reject" as arguments. On one side, "resolve" is called when the job is finished successfully. On the other, "reject" is called when we have some errors.Consuming code consists of ".then" and ".catch" blocks. The ".then" block is executed when the job is successfully completed. On the other side, ".catch" is executed when we have some errors.

Promise States:

  • pending: This is the initial state of Promise

  • fulfilled: Promise is said to be fulfilled when it is resolved

  • rejected: Promise is said to be rejected when we have some
    error while resolving

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Implementing Promises:

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Initially the promise will be in the pending state. As the consuming code is waiting for the result of producing code(either "resolve" or "reject") which is asynchronous in nature.

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when the "if" condition becomes true, the promise gets resolved
after 2 seconds, now we can say the promise is fulfilled. The ".then" block of consuming code is executed, and the result will be logged to the console.

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when the "if" condition becomes false, the promise gets rejected
after 2 seconds, now we can say the promise is in rejected state. The ".catch" block of consuming code is executed, and the result will be logged to the console.

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