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Coding Bootcamp Chronicles: Week 1 Highlights and Learnings

Hi there,
I am Mukarram.
I'm currently in my week 1.Learning Linux and command-line programming, and I'm finding it surprisingly easy.
I had some prior experience with a basic ethical hacking course, which helped me understand Linux commands better.
This familiarity has made navigating the command line, creating and managing files and directories, and performing system tasks feel quite enjoyable. Linux offers a powerful environment for development and I'm eager to explore its extent.
My instructor's approach of teaching Linux has been helpful, providing practical and clear explanations that build my existing knowledge.
I appreciate how Linux commands can be used to automate tasks and manage computer systems efficiently.
Understanding commands like ls (list files), cd (change directory), mkdir (make directory), and others has been straightforward due to my prior exposure.
I'm particularly interested in learning more about shell and bash scripting which allows me to automate tasks.
It's fascinating to see how commands can be combined to create powerful scripts that enhance productivity and streamline operations.
I've also learn how to join multiple commands, it's called piping
I find this concept awesome as every previous command acts as input to the next upcoming commands
Basically pipe is denoted by (|)
Looking ahead in the curriculum, I'm excited to go deeper into Linux networking, security, and server management.
I find this really cool because These skills will be valuable as I progress in my studies and pursue a career in Information Technology (I.T) or Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AIDS).
Mastering Linux and command-line programming opens up many opportunities in the tech industry, and it also pays up a decent amount of money which every GEN-Z dream's of when we enter the corporate world.
Overall, while there's still much to learn, I'm enjoying the journey of discovering Linux's capabilities and gaining proficiency in command-line programming. I look forward to applying what I've learned to real-world projects and expanding my knowledge further in the coming weeks.


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