2021 has been a very challenging and exciting year at the same time but at the end I managed to do the switch I always wanted...
10 years ago I started my bachelor's degree in Information Technology but due to life circumstances I was never able to pursue that career as sometimes life gets in the middle you see.
I remember, 6 years ago, I was talking with friends and they were asking me what I want to do, what is the dream job for me.. and I remember I was just smiling and I was saying "Web development" and everyone was telling me that I need to focus on that and follow my heart. But in life things aren't as straight forward sometimes.
I was at a point in my life where I didn't have the space to think or dream about anything, but I had to do what I had to do in order to pay my bills. But every time I was closing my eyes ... I was keep dreaming and thinking about that dream career and job and I was instantly smiling.
In 2020... and when the pandemic started, I realized that life can be too short and there is no reason to waste our time and do things we don't enjoy. For that reason, I decided to apply for a master's degree in Software Development. I was studying full time my online course, while I was working full time as well and sometimes without days off for weeks. But I said to myself that if I can push through this, then I will be unstoppable.
I only new the basic of C++, HTML, CSS , JS and I just started learning React when I applied for my Masters. The challenge I had in front of me was unreal and many times I was getting frustrated and I was asking myself why I did this as I didn't have the knowledge required for that degree. I had to do python, develop a full stack application and all that while I had to learn the technologies as I go. It was tough...
The first 2 semesters gone and I have been successful so far. In addition to that I had a full stack application in my hands as a project I could add to my portfolio. And that was the point when I started applying for jobs. I applied for over 100 jobs in 3 months time with no luck. And suddenly I've been offered a position as full stack developer position. I couldn't believe it. And few months later, I realized that I do enjoy more front end development and I moved to a different company as front end developer.
The lesson I've learnt from that process is that you will never be 100% ready for any job but apply anyway. Employers are looking for skills and experience, but also they are looking for the right attitude and willingness to learn. Skills get be taught, but the right attitude can't.
So if you are starting out now, make a portfolio and showcase some of the projects you have created, create an attractive resume to show your skills and personality and go get it !! You will fail, you will get rejected at the beginning....but this will help you to learn more and prepare you for the next interview.
"In order to succeed you must have willing to fail"
Good Luck :)
Top comments (13)
Hey Margarita,
Thanks for sharing your real-life experience, I appreciate your desire to learn and grow.
keep growing!

Thank you so much. I just think that its very difficult to break through this industry without experience. And I was surprised when my 1st job offer was with technologies I never used and I was open about it and still i've been offered the position because of my "can do attitude" and the way I carried myself during the interview and I was able to pick the skills needed when I started :)
This is something similar happen with me also in 2018 and now i am a senior web developer at that startup company.
opportunities are endless!
I agree!!! Opportunities are endless and if you really want something, no matter how, you will make it :)
yes, exactly
Nice piece!
Hey, thank you. It hasn't been easy but I wanted to share just so others who are currently in this situation can push and move forward because if I did it , then anyone can do it :)
I'm frankly in this position where I'm finding it difficult to start taking jobs, i can't stop learning with no project that I'm personally working on. I took a vow to step up my pursuit by doing what people with experience have termed as a good lead.
You just need to keep pushing and this is all what it takes. Aim for smaller companies or start ups for your first job as you will find it a lot easier. I said many times I will stop applying at the beginning but hey... I didn't... and I got rewarded at the end. You will never know everything and google has to be your best friend. If you know how to find your answers through google then you are fine :)
Nice words for encouragement, thanks!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. For my side wish you a very best of luck.
WOW . Well i am now learning js cuz html and css are done in a week i liked to read your real life experience
When I was getting disappointed and I was failing job interviews I was looking to find stories from other people in order to find the courage to push through. So I am happy that I am now in a position to share my story and hopefully I help others to push through and dont give up :) If you have any questions feel free to ask me , I will be more than happy to help :)