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Al - Naucode
Al - Naucode

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๐Ÿš€ 5 Advanced ES6 Features Every JavaScript Developer Should Master

New day, new article! Today's article is about five advanced Javascript ES6 features that I like and that I think everyone (at least every developer) should understand.

Are you ready?

๐Ÿ’ก Destructuring

Destructuring is a quick way to get values out of objects and arrays. For example, you can extract values and assign them to variables with a single line of code.

Here's an example of how destructuring can be used with an object:

And here's an example with an array:

As you can see, destructuring makes it simple to extract values from objects and arrays and assign them to variables.

๐Ÿ”’ Block Scoping

You can use block scoping to declare variables that are only available within a specific block of code. There are two ways to declare variables in JavaScript: var and let.

The var keyword declares a global or function-scoped variable, which means it can be accessed from anywhere within the same function. On the other hand, the let keyword declares a variable that is block scoped, which means that it can only be accessed within the same block of code.

Here's an example of let-based block scoping:

As you can see, the message variable is only available within the if statement-defined block of code.

๐Ÿš— Spread Operator

Spreading the values of an array or object into a new array or object is possible with the spread operator. It's a quick way to combine arrays or objects or to turn an array-like object into a proper array.

Here's an example of how to combine two arrays using the spread operator:

Here's an example of how to use the spread operator to transform an array-like object into a real array:

A spread operator is a powerful tool for simplifying and improving the readability of your code.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Template Literals

String literals that allow you to embed expressions within your strings are known as template literals. Instead of quotes (' or "), they are defined with the backtick (`) character.

Here's an example of template literals in action:

As you can see, template literals make it simple to embed expressions within strings and allow you to write multi-line strings without using string concatenation.

๐Ÿ’พ Arrow Functions

In JavaScript, arrow functions are a shorthand syntax for writing anonymous functions. They enable you to write code that is shorter, more concise, and more readable.

Here's an example of how to use the arrow function:

As you can see, arrow functions make it simple to write anonymous functions and have a shorter syntax than regular functions.

It was a short article, but I hope it was helpful for you. I use these features daily and feel like they are crucial for every Javascript developer. So hopefully, you have discovered something new today.

๐ŸŒŽ Let's Connect!

Top comments (47)

ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

Nice write up @naubit , I want to add some notes to it though.

  1. Destructuring is HORRIBLE
    Here's why, and i've seen this in production code i had to debug and it took forever.
    Let's say you have a "Box" and a "Bed", both have dimensions like "width" and "height"
    Now, Box was added to the code first so the dev just destructured it and used width and height as variables about 50 lines lower in the code, cool, no problem.
    A year later a support request came in, another dev had to add Bed to the code and they thought destructuring was great too, they put their code in between where Box is defined and above where the Box vars were used, suddenly Box's dimensions break and no one knows why. Original dev looks at their lines and goes "everything looks fine". New dev looks at their code and says "everything looks fine"....until finally someone else looks at the whole thing and goes "You @#$!%"...
    Do not use destructuring use Objects so you have "box.width" and "box.length" or standard variables like "box", "box_width" and "box-height" so when you add Bed later on there is no chance of conflict.
    Some might say "oh those we bad devs" and to that i'll say "We are all bad devs because we don't know what we don't know and now you know better"

  2. Block Scoping is great, kudos indeed.

  3. Spread Operator is nice for small arrays, but dear god do not try to use that thing on a large data set. Use a for loop, it's just as fast if not faster. And it's easier to read a year from now. Your eyes will literally glance over a spread operator thinking it's just a variable definition and leave you wondering where the hell the loop is for the data you're seeing render.

  4. Template literals are also awesome. IE11 is finally dead dead so everything supports it.

  5. Arrow functions are great, but personally i'm using good old function() definitions. They're just easier to find/read when going through a lot of code. The arrows just blend in too much. I get that many people love shorthand code, but you should always be writing code that someone else has to read some day, be nice about it.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ โ€ข โ€ข Edited

Destructuring is great! Your scenario above is just a result of poor coding, not a problem with destructuring itself. You can destructure to named variables too:

const box = { width: 30, height: 40 }
const {width: boxWidth, height: boxHeight} = box

console.log(boxWidth)  // 30
console.log(boxHeight)  // 40
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It's just a tool, and sometimes it's the right one for the job, and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes destructuring is less readable than simply accessing object properties directly. It's certainly the most readable way to swap two vars that I know of:

let a=1, b=2;
[a, b] = [b, a]

console.log(a)  // 2
console.log(b)  // 1
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ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

That's my point. If you don't use it, then you can never use it badly.
I've seen it used badly more often than i've seen it done right, hence my warning not to use it.
You can choose to use it, but there is no reason to.

box.width tells you what object that width belongs to.

Your example with boxWidth means that adding a second box could potentially still be confusing for the same reason as my original comment showed.

There's just no real reason to use this, it just adds more lines of code to test since the original object definition already has everything you need.

But, again, it's gonna come down to personal preference.
Use it if you want to. I won't, and my team won't, for the reasons I stated above.

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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen โ€ข

That's my point. If you don't use it, then you can never use it badly.

If we never use pointers how are we gonna make dynamically sized datastructures like Vec<T>ors or the like?

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brense profile image
Rense Bakker โ€ข

Not to mention his argumentation can be used to make a case to stop using JavaScript all together... Or stop being a web developer. If you dont web develop, you can't do it badly...

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ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

That is not my point and you know it.

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ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

That's not my point. It's more a case of "Just because you CAN doesn't mean you MUST" but you do you, it's not like i'm gonna convince you otherwise.

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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen โ€ข

It is. It shares the exact same logic.
If you don't use pointers you can't use them badly and run into segfaults.

How is my rhetorical question not like your point?

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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen โ€ข

Contrast to my previous comment, I understand the point a little more (I think). This is a "decent" elaboration.
And sure, what you're saying is true. Just because I can use match instead of if let doesn't mean it would look good in the context. I think you could have made the point more general and left the message at that, instead of targeting one specific ES6 feature, considering there a quite a few features that can be abused.

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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen โ€ข

As my previous message states, I believe I understand your intentions, but your delivery of it was botched horribly (IMO).
As I suggested, maybe rework it, or put more emphasis on the developer than the feature, but explaining in the way you did before I understood was not doing your view any justice.
Since this is not a terribly huge issue I don't think it would take much effort to fix.

(On an unrelated note, let me turn on my MoistCritical impression, because damn. - When you said "That is not my point and you know it." that comes off as kind of an asshat thing to say, especially when you add "but you do you". It just strikes me as "Hey. I'm overly confident people can understand me right away!". Because no, I did not understand you. @brense didn't seem to understand you either since they were on board with what I originally said. - I dunno, maybe sounding blunt wasn't your intention but I just thought I should point it out because others might get the wrong idea.)

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ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

blunt comes out when i'm having a stressful day and just want to quickly get something out of the way, so for that, my bad.

Your first reply to that prompted me to do this, lol, which i still felt like sharing now:

Your other replies are clear, i see that you see what i meant and i get where you are coming from. In addition i merely picked on that specific feature because it was the feature the OP wrote about. There are other things in ES6 I do and do not like. I don't really control what gets added but my sentiment is that the JS community is adding too many bells and whistles to a language that works well without them and that there are other areas that could be addressed that are far more important. My biggest beef with the language is the number of things that do exactly the same thing. One example running code in the order you want it to:

I don't intend to offend people, but sometimes i'm too tired to think of the best way to say things and i just drop in the info as best i can at that moment. [probably why so much of the internet is full of horrible comments]

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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen โ€ข

My biggest beef with the language is the number of things that do exactly the same thing. One example running code in the order you want it to

This is something I also find distasteful, but I feel like this, relatively, is one of the better things.
I think the JavaScript community forgets it has learners that are working in .html files, so it would be cool if they focused on that side of the community, such as allowing modules in the the browser.

[probably why so much of the internet is full of horrible comments]


j471n profile image
Jatin Sharma โ€ข

I was gonna say the same thing.


calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen โ€ข

I like your rebuttal, it was informative to me, and hopefully the OC as well.

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot โญ โ€ข โ€ข Edited

I'm a little confused by your width/height example in 1. If the first dev had done:

    const {width, height} = box
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Then width and height couldn't be overwritten. Block scoping might have made new width and height variables but only in a lexical scope, not affecting the previous code unless the new dev wrapped the original code into the new scope. That just sounds like a poor way of constructing a function that has become way too complex and is trying to do too much at once.

It would depend where the code was located, but constant dereferences with box.XYZ are not optimal and might harm performance in a loop.

naucode profile image
Al - Naucode โ€ข

That is a great point, Mike! I will try to improve my examples in future articles :)

ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

You're only thinking about the specific example. I used a "box" as a very simple object. Now let's say box was more complex with multilevel arrays/objects within it.
Note that const still allows for child objects to be modified, so it's not really a constant in the way constants work in other languages, so you might as well use "let" since within the same scope it will have zero difference.

And you're not wrong about the dev wrapping things wrongly. My original note was just one of caution because the vast majority of devs are newbies and WILL absolutely screw this up many many times on a larger project with larger objects, while using the box.XYZ notation would simply nullify any chance of destructuring problems happening at all. THAT is all i was trying to say but it seems the comments here have largely ignored that scenario because they happen to like destructuring.

I would like to see a case/example where box.XYZ in a loop causes issues. I've not seen one, i'm open to reading more about that to see if it's really an issue or only an issue if you're looping through a million items.

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miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot โญ โ€ข

You are right, it's mostly an issue if you are looping through many thousands of times, and also if there is an async function or other side effect that could change the value when you expected it to remain constant and were just not pulling it out before the loop.

I feel consistency is best served by taking values when I know I need them, it's a style thing though unless you are optimising tight loops. I'm a game programmer, I guess I'm more likely to have those huge loops :)

blindfish3 profile image
Ben Calder โ€ข โ€ข Edited

they put their code in between where Box is defined and above where the Box vars were used, suddenly Box's dimensions break and no one knows why.

I've been trying to figure out how it's even possible to do this with destructuring and the only thing I could come up with is this:

const alpha = { a: 'a', b: 'b' };
const numeric = { a: '1', b: '2' };

var {a,b} = alpha;

// lots of code :see_no_evil:

var {a,b} = numeric;

console.log(a,b); // 1 2
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If that's how your scenario happened then it's hardly a compelling argument against destructuring; but instead an argument for implementing linters and proper code review ๐Ÿ˜…
I haven't used var in years and certainly never in code where destructuring was also supported. Using either let or const in both the destructuring statements results in an error; and in general I'd always recommend using const. Introducing mutable (or global!!!) variables into your code increases the risk of bugs.

ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

Great answer. I agree that you'd want devs to be properly reviewing their code.
Now, that's nice for companies where the right tools are in use.
More often than not i see code written by one dev who's had no training in such things and therefore writes code that more than likely works fine most of the time, and yet has glaring holes in it to anyone who spends a lot of time debugging other people's code.

I don't know why so many people responding here [not you really, your answer was on point] presume that everyone codes the way they do, uses the tools they do, has the mentors/training they do. Most devs really do not. If we all had good training and knew all these things, then most websites wouldn't be utter pieces of crap, which frankly, they very much are.

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decker67 profile image
decker โ€ข

That code should not be allowed to be committed. Use reviews to handle those cases.

naucode profile image
Al - Naucode โ€ข

Thanks for your long comment @ravavyr ! To be fair, I agree with you and I will say that in my future articles I will improve my examples and try to explain more in depth when it is a good option to use it or not.

I like to use destructuring but as @jonrandy said below, it must be done in the right places, it is just a tool that you have to use in the right place and in the right way.

About the arrow functions, I tend to agree. I like to use the old function() definitions almost everywhere but arrow functions are useful in some places.

In general I think I need to write a second part of this article going in depth with every point. I tried to make it simple and general so beginners can read and then they can keep trying and exploring, discovering the specific cases, but probably I should note these little details there.

For future reference for anyone reading the article, make sure to check this comments' thread, it is pretty useful!

ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

Oh you did a great write up, i just felt i needed to point out potential issues with using these features of javascript. I find too many people just use them because "it's the latest/newest", when really a lot of older stuff, still works the same, sometimes better, and will continue to work until javascript stops working in browsers [as in, until we get a new internet] :)

brense profile image
Rense Bakker โ€ข โ€ข Edited

Point 1 is not the fault of destructuring. There's a plethora of bugs like this, if you dont use something like typescript for type safety. Besides that, ALWAYS use const while destructuring.

Its also worth noting that you can assign a new name to the variable while destructuring:

const bed = { width: 180, height: 40 }
const { width: bedWidth, height: bedHeight } = bed
console.log(bedWidth, bedHeight)
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Ps. Just realized you can shorten that advice to: ALWAYS use const.

ravavyr profile image
Ravavyr โ€ข

lol that's another can of worms.
I always use "Let" because half the time people use "Const" i end up changing it to Let later on because something's changed in the logic anyway.
Also the fact that Const lets you change its object properties means it's not really a constant anyway.

I do see your point to force using Const in this case just because it makes it less likely for someone to overwrite it.
However when writing code if someone's editing/changing variables, they should be thorough and confirm that variable isn't already defined within the same scope. That's not rocket science and frankly the least I'd expect even relatively new devs to be able to do. Const sometimes feels like too much hand holding and if it was really fixed constants, i'd be cool with it, but being able to modify object properties and methods means "const" is not very "constant" at all.

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brense profile image
Rense Bakker โ€ข

Yes const doesn't mean readonly, although you can do that with as const in typescript, if you have to. Const means you cannot reassign the variable.

If you use let (or even worse, var), you open up your code for a wide range of nasty bugs that are a nightmare to debug. If you're changing a lot of const to let to make the logic work, you need to seriously consider a refactor.

wintercounter profile image
Victor Vincent โ€ข

I never had such problems with destruction. Renaming variables upon collision is completely natural.

Anyway, in case I need to use multiple times, I'd definitely assign it to 2 separate variables, which is basically destruction+renaming at the end under the hood. It's not just more performant but it can be efficiently minified while property access cannot, and the same is true for destruction.

const boxWidth = Box.width
const bedWidth = Bed.width
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decker67 profile image
decker โ€ข

Now, Box was added to the code first so the dev just destructured it and used width and height as variables about 50 lines lower in the code, cool, no problem.

50 lines lower I would think is a problem itself and without looking into the source it sounds like there is room for improvement. Declare variables as near as possible to usage and when possible with const.

A year later a support request came in, another dev had to add Bed to the code and they thought destructuring was great too, they put their code in between where Box is defined and above where the Box vars were used, suddenly Box's dimensions break and no one knows why. Original dev looks at their lines and goes "everything looks fine". New dev looks at their code and says "everything looks fine"....until finally someone else looks at the whole thing and goes "You @#$!%"...

A simple walk through would have shown the problem, either with the debugger or with console log, but in the first place I would blame the IDE that is not telling you or are you using a notepad.

As always you must know you tools and use them.

ilumin profile image
Lumin โ€ข โ€ข Edited

In my opinion object destructure didn't build to solve the problem you've mentioned. To solve that I recommended to use Typescript.

xsoladdd profile image
Ericson Orias Funtanar โ€ข

You got a good point. Appreciate the comment

thenickest profile image
TheNickest โ€ข

Nicely pointed out. This is valuable feedback. I will definitely think twice next time, before I go all arrow function. Never looked at it like you said: easier to spot when scanning through code.

j471n profile image
Jatin Sharma โ€ข

You missed the backtick in Template Literals

const message = `Hello, my name is ${name} and I am ${age} years old.`;
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naucode profile image
Al - Naucode โ€ข

Thanks, fixing it!

kumarkalyan profile image
Kumar Kalyan โ€ข

great article @naubit

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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thebrown profile image
Saleumsack โ€ข

Thanks nice topic

clay profile image
Clay Ferguson โ€ข

Great tips. Thanks. I never really knew arrays could be destructured. Nice to know.

vicariousv profile image
AndrewBarrell1 โ€ข

There is also a rest operator when destructing arrays which is sometimes useful. (Forgive me if this formats badly, I'm on mobile)

const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

const [first, second,] = nums

// 1

// 2

// [3, 4, 5]
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juliocamposswork profile image
Julio Campos โ€ข

They are very useful concepts and can be applied on different occasions, it is always good to remember that they exist, thank you very much

naucode profile image
Al - Naucode โ€ข

Thanks a lot for the comment!

lotosotol profile image
lotos โ€ข

great examples and detailing @naubit! thank you

wintercounter profile image
Victor Vincent โ€ข

I'd definitely remove advanced from the title. This basically IS ES6 and every dev MUST know today to be able to work with a modern codebase.

Advanced ES6 features are more like:

  • Generators
  • Iterators (normal/async)
  • Proxy/Reflect
calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen โ€ข

Here's the best hack for ES6 developers...
move to Rust.

Same stuff as ES6 if not more. :รพ