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Introducing Hana: Your Ultimate Business Helper

Hana: Revolutionizing Business Productivity with Intelligent Assistance

In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency and productivity are paramount. That's where Hana comes in. Developed by Hanabi Technologies, Hana is an innovative solution designed to seamlessly integrate into your workflow, providing intelligent assistance and automation to enhance your business operations.

What is Hana?

Hana is a comprehensive business helper that is designed to behave as a team member integrated in Google Chat with several Google Workspace APIs. She facilitates AI-powered group discussions and workflow. She is ChatGPT "applied".

Key Features

  1. QnA over PDFs
  2. QnA over Google Docs
  3. Remember things via her memory
  4. Take standup updates on your behalf
  5. Browse the internet and QnA over web pages
  6. AI-powered Group conversations
  7. Reminders for others and yourself
  8. Google Calendar QnA and meeting scheduling
  9. Image generation, image QnA
  10. Weather information
  11. Create Google Tasks automatically
  12. AI-powered PR reviews

Why Choose Hana?

Hana is simply the most practical application of AI for businesses and teams. She is designed to be like any other team member with a personified personality.

Imagine an all-knowing, all-understanding team member who is available for anyone's help!

Get Started with Hana

Ready to take your business productivity to the next level? Visit Hana Landing Page to get started. Discover how Hana can revolutionize your workflow and help you achieve your business goals.

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