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Late start to Hacktober. Life Updates. Kdramas = New Fun.

Hello yall! It's been a week since my last blog post. The past week was super work heavy (both studies and personal, especially the job hunting). This post is to update you guys on what's going on in brief details.

Wanna start it off on a positive note, did my first ever contribution to a random person's open source project. It was not that big of a change, but it felt like I took a huge step to my developmental journey. I was in charge of creating folder structures for a project called Health Assistant Client. I created the featured file structure (the way the maintainer wanted) and is waiting for it to merge to the main branch now. It was a big thing for me, so I am proud of myself lol. I also have a few big problems that I am hoping to be assigned for the rest of my time in Hacktober. Links will be given to the repos at the end of the blog post.

(Go to the end if not interested in my personal problems, I am just writing out my stress lol)

Alright, now life updates. Actually had to visit my doctor 6 times the past month. What's sad is that my doctor only had appointments open during my class hours, so I missed a lot of class and got behind. That's one of my reason being slow to update my Release 2.0 Issue 1. But, I caught up with what I missed, so won't be late. And yep I am in good health right now. The second reason I was late will be, Job hunting and kdramas. I got hooked to kdramas 2 weeks ago and been watching every day ever since. I applied to lots of jobs these past months and is wishing for interviews to be coming up soon. Hope I get at least 5 interviews lol.

Oh, the midterm week starts next week, gon be hectic. Planned on finishing what I have for this weeek during this weekend. So, that way I won't lag behind others. So wish me luck lol.

Thank you for reading through my useless thoughts and I kinda feel less heavy as I let it out lol.
Thank you for checking/reading this blog post out, I'll post updates on what I do during my developmental journey here (I'll still post if I am working).
Thank you and see ya later this week!

Oh, the links -

The Repo

The Issue I got assigned

The PR of the Issue

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