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Cover image for Nov. 24, 2019: What did you learn this week?

Nov. 24, 2019: What did you learn this week?

Nick Taylor on November 23, 2019

This is not a new concept for a post or Tweet. David Walsh usually posts one every week. // Detect dark theme var iframe = document.getElem...
deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

I dig it!

This week I learned a little more about how sounds and intervals work - I've always known that pitches were related and octaves especially so, but never realized it was so simple and so physical - an octave is specifically a 2:1 ratio in frequency. You double the frequency of a pitch to get the pitch an octave higher. A4 on a piano is 440Hz, and A5 is 880Hz. This is further divided into 12 semitones, corresponding to adjacent keys on a piano. Each of those is further divided into 100 cents. Given a base frequency in Hertz and a number of cents to increase along the logarithmic scale, you can calculate the final frequency quite easily:

cents formula

For example, to add a single semitone from A4 up to B♭4, you increase by a twelfth of of what doubling it does: 440 * 2^(1/12). This works out to approximately 466.164, and that floating point imprecision is why intervals are defined as ratios calculated from a set standard instead of fixed numeric values. You don't get another whole number until you go up or down a full octave, to A3 - 220Hz or A5 - 880Hz.

This may be "common" knowledge, but it was new to me. Neat.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Is this somewhat related to the circle of fifths?

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

Totally related - the circle of fifths relates intervals to key signatures. A fifth is an interval with a 3:2 ratio, which is also 7 semitones. An octave has 12 semitones, so 12 keys in a given octave. Octaves start at C, so that's kinda like 0, and has no sharps or flat in the key signature. To get the next key in the circle, which has one sharp, you increase a 5th, or 7 semitones, which by counting on a piano gets you to G. To get through all the key signatures incrementally, one accidental at a time, you keep going up by perfect fifths. Once you come all the way back to C, you'll have hit all 12 keys, encompassing all possible key signatures.


That's to go clockwise - to go counter-clockwise, go up by a perfect fourth every time, which is 5 semitones.

Thread Thread
marcellothearcane profile image

Fun fact: a cello is tuned to C, G, D, and A, which is the first four parts of the circle of fifths.

Violins are tuned a fifth higher (G, D, A, & E), so you can count the string you are on for an easy way to tell how many sharps are in the key signature - A = third string = three sharps.

Thread Thread
deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Hah, awesome! I actually played cello for a few years in elementary school, and I guess at that age they don't really go heavy on the theory. I never put this together even after learning all this stuff in high school.

marcellothearcane profile image

Not exactly - the circle of fifths is to do with chords, rather than individual pitches.

If you add a fifth to a given chord, you get the next key signature, so

C (0 #) --> G(1 #) --> A (2 #) etc
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Awesome! That’s sounds (pun intended) really cool!

junlow profile image

This system tuning called twelve-tone equal temperament which was introduced around 18th century by Bach! Another fun fact: double bass tuning is opposite as violin which is E, A, D, G.

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

I was thrown into a job involving .NET, C# and SQL without much knowledge in any of that.

So I learned a lot this week.

I learned the value in good naming schemes for column names and table names in databases. For example, in one database, a foreign key is called entityid and its related column is entid which irks me, and can lead to potential confusion and coding problems.

I learned the value in consistency and standardization of programming styles. I saw a variable that was named x and I didn't like that. So I changed it and committed the change.

I learned the value in taking deep dives into even old and obsolete libraries. For example, I had to learn jQuery Grid yesterday all of a sudden, because I was tasked to create three columns on a web app. Whoever made this app originally picked jQuery Grid.

I learned things that appear simple on the outside are often not, especially at the enterprise level. Adding 3 new columns to a spreadsheet used for bulk insertion turned into an exhaustive 3 day exercise in hunting down and modifying a number of tables and SQL commands.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) • Edited

This was a small learning but this past week I learned about Rails reflect_on_all_associations method. You can use it to list out all related tables for an ActiveRecord::Model which is super helpful when you are trying to look at all related data for a single entry.

danondso profile image
Dublin Anondson

I sat down and built a tiny web app using Vue. I was surprised how easy it was to pick up and figure out, so that felt pretty great 😄

ronaldoperes profile image
Ronaldo Peres • Edited

Well, i work mainly with C# dotnet core.

I used specflow to do BDD in an webapi that i already made, had some problems with the installation to make it work.

At the same time, solved some issues with async and tasks.

And now i am studying and following tutorial to use Graphql in this webapi, also trying to continue my course of web development bootcamp.

andersonjoseph profile image
Anderson. J

I learned about the web share API and how it improve the experience for users in a PWA.

Also, I wrote about it 😉

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Nice! Care to share your post you wrote here in the comments?

andersonjoseph profile image
Anderson. J


(It is in spanish, btw)

doylecodes profile image
Ryan Doyle

Learned how to set up and connect to a postgresql RDB on AWS. Lots of tiny steps and seemed to be nothing out there for a AWS newbie in terms of a tutorial in how to get up a simple RDB set up on AWS for a node project. (There are tons on mongodb out there). Looks like it’s time to share what I learned with a post.

bugmagnet profile image
Bruce Axtens

I baked my first wild yeast bread.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Sounds yummy. Fresh hot bread is hard to resist. 😉

bugmagnet profile image
Bruce Axtens

It is yummy and very hard to resist, especially on my one-meal-a-day days. It's quite a change from the usual stuff I do, mostly biscuits (cookies), and the odd dessert (see cooking blog.)

tarun_geek profile image
Tarun Nagpal


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Nice! It can be intimidating, so good on ya!

hugoliconv profile image

I learned to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk from a docker-compose file.

marcellothearcane profile image

GraphQL fragments let you return different types of data - which I didn't think was possible.

mjraadi profile image
Mohammadjavad Raadi

BE: Securing a GraphQL server
SysOps: proxmox

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

So this week I learned that SwiftUI multiline text fields are not something Apple thought would be obvious in the first release, the discovery and workaround continues :)

Thanks Apple!

peledzohar profile image
Zohar Peled

This week I've started to learn how to use DocFX to generate static HTML pages from xml documentation of an open source .Net project I've been working on as a side project.