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Nik L.
Nik L.

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React is Slow, What to do now?

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Applications can generally be categorized into having two types of performance bottlenecks:

  1. I/O-bound: These applications spend the majority of their time dealing with inputs and outputs.
  2. CPU-bound: These applications spend the majority of their time engaged in computational tasks.

Now, how do these classifications translate into the context of front-end applications, particularly React apps?

I/O Performance Challenges in React

When it comes to React applications, issues often arise in terms of I/O performance, primarily related to asynchronous HTTP calls. Ineffectively managing these network requests can lead to a slowdown in the application. While this post primarily focuses on CPU performance, it's essential to briefly touch upon key areas where solutions can be found for I/O-bound problems:

  • Implement lazy loading whenever possible.
  • Exercise caution during the initial loading of assets and backend requests.
  • Reduce the frequency of loading highly static elements (e.g., select options, configurations).
  • Debounce the number of times specific requests are made.
  • Parallelize requests as much as possible using techniques like Promise.all.
  • Enhance the efficiency of critical backend endpoints by optimizing database accesses, among other measures.

CPU Performance Challenges in React

The main thrust of this post centers around addressing CPU performance challenges in React. Before delving into the specifics, let's establish a concrete definition of performance:

  • Browser applications predominantly operate as single-threaded programs.
  • Scripting tasks, such as JavaScript execution, DOM rendering, and event handling, all occur within the same thread.
  • A slow JavaScript module can potentially block the main thread.
  • If the main thread is blocked, the user interface becomes unresponsive, resulting in a drop in frames per second (fps).
  • Responsive UIs aim for a minimum of 30 fps, ideally achieving 60 fps, meaning each frame should compute within 30 ms or less.

In the context of React, this issue becomes critical. When a React component update is triggered, the entire subtree must be rendered in less than 30 ms. This becomes particularly challenging with complex and lengthy component structures, such as tables, trees, and lists, where large-scale re-renders may be necessary.

React Render and Commit Phase

React, at a high level, operates in two distinct phases:

Render Phase:

  • Initiated when a component updates, triggered by changes in props or hooks.
  • React traverses the component subtree, rendering each child and computing the Virtual DOM (VDOM) subtree.
  • Only the "dirty" subtree, affected by updates, needs to be recomputed; the parents of updated components may not require re-rendering.
  • The efficiency of this phase is proportional to the size and computational cost of each child component.
  • React.memo can be employed to provide hints for a more efficient rendering process.

Commit Phase:

  • The render phase produces a new Virtual DOM of the entire UI.
  • In the commit phase, React compares the new tree with the previous one (VDOM diffing).
  • React calculates the minimum DOM mutations required to reflect the new VDOM tree.
  • DOM mutations are applied, updating the UI.
  • This phase is inherently efficient by default.
  • The entire process must be completed in less than 30 or 16 ms (for 30 fps and 60 fps, respectively) for the UI to be deemed responsive. The workload is directly proportional to the size of the app.

The subsequent exploration will focus on enhancing the efficiency of the Render phase. Before delving into optimization techniques, it is crucial to understand how to measure and identify the sluggish components in the application.


Among the tools I frequently rely on are:

  1. Chrome Dev Tool’s Performance Tab
  2. React Dev Tool’s Performance Tab

Chrome Dev Tool’s Performance Tab

This tool stands out as a comprehensive resource applicable to any browser application. It provides insights into frames per second, captures stack traces, identifies slow or hot sections of your code, and more. The primary user interface is represented by the flame chart.

For an in-depth understanding of Chrome’s Performance Tab as applied to React, refer to this documentation.

React Dev Tool’s Performance Tab

To leverage this tool, you'll need to install the React Dev Tool extension in your browser. It tailors information from the Chrome Dev Tool’s Performance Tab specifically to React. Through a flame chart, you can observe different commit phases and the JavaScript code executed during the respective render phase.

This tool aids in easily determining:

  • When a component undergoes re-rendering.
  • What props have changed.
  • What hooks have changed, encompassing state, context, and more. For further details, refer to the introductory post.

Measuring Methodology

Here’s the methodology I prefer when assessing front-end applications:

  1. Identify the Problem:

    • Pinpoint page interactions causing UI responsiveness issues.
  2. Create a Hypothesis:

    • Optionally, generate ideas about the potential location of the problem.
  3. Measure:

    • Verify the problem by measuring essential metrics such as frames per second (fps).
  4. Measure (Part II):

    • Identify problematic sections of code; optionally, validate your hypothesis.
  5. Create a Solution:

    • Implement a solution based on the insights gathered.
  6. Measure the Solution:

    • Validate that the implemented solution resolves or alleviates the problem by examining key metrics.

Optimizing without proper measurement renders efforts practically ineffective. While some problems may be apparent, the majority necessitate thorough measurement, forming the cornerstone of the performance enhancement process.

Moreover, measurements empower you to communicate achievements upwards, informing users, stakeholders, and your leadership about performance improvements achieved within specific areas of your application, expressed as a percentage gain.

General Solutions to CPU-Bound Problems in React Applications

Now armed with measurements and an understanding of problematic areas, let’s delve into potential solutions. Optimizing React performance revolves around improving both what components render and which components render.

Many performance issues also stem from anti-patterns. Eliminating these anti-patterns, such as avoiding inline functional definitions in the render method, contributes to more efficient rendering times. Addressing poor patterns can, in fact, reduce complexity and improve performance simultaneously.

🤔 Improving What Components Render

Identifying sluggish components in our React app typically points to specific components that struggle with rendering or have an excessive number of instances on a single page. Various reasons may contribute to their sluggishness:

  • Blocking calculations within components.
  • Rendering large component trees.
  • Utilizing expensive or inefficient libraries.

Most of these issues boil down to enhancing the speed of component rendering. At times, crucial components cannot rely on overly complex libraries, necessitating a return to basic principles and the implementation of simpler alternatives.

For instance, I encountered such challenges while using Formik excessively within multiple cells of every row in a complex table. While improving the efficiency of individual components goes a long way, attention must eventually shift to which components are rendering.

🧙 Improving Which Components Render

This aspect offers two broad categories for improvement:

  1. Virtualization:

    • Only render components that are visible in the viewport. For example, rendering only the table rows or list items that the user can see. This approach proves beneficial for complex UIs, and while it can be applied without addressing the "what" step, it is recommended. Modern libraries often provide robust support for virtualizing tables and lists, with examples like react-virtualized. Virtualization reduces the number of components React needs to render in a given frame.
  2. Props Optimization:

    • React aims to make components resemble pure functions but may attempt to render more times than necessary.


  • Most components in React can be memoized, ensuring that with the same props, the component returns the same tree (although hooks, state, and context are still respected). Leveraging React.memo informs React to skip re-rendering these memoized components if their props remain unchanged.

      import React from 'react';
      const MyComponent = React.memo((props) => {
        // Component logic here
      export default MyComponent;

Fake Prop Changes: useCallback:

  • Addressing the issue of fake prop changes involves instances where the content of a prop remains unchanged, but the reference changes. A classic example is an event handler.

      import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
      const MyComponent = () => {

const onChange = useCallback((e) => console.log(e), []);

    return <input onChange={onChange} />;

  export default MyComponent;
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Fake Prop Changes: useMemo:

  • Similar challenges arise when constructing complex data structures without proper memoization before passing them as props. Utilizing useMemo ensures that rows are recalculated only when dependencies change, enhancing efficiency.

      import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
      const MyComponent = ({ data, deps }) => {
        const rows = useMemo(() => data.filter(bySearchCriteria).sort(bySortOrder), [deps]);
        return <Table data={rows} />;
      export default MyComponent;

While you have the flexibility to customize how React.memo compares current vs. previous props, it's crucial to maintain a swift calculation since it's an integral part of the Render phase. Avoid overly complex deep comparisons during each render.

How does it look now?

Props changed

How it looks in the React dev tool:

Image description

Did they really? Are they fake prop changes? Use useCallback and useMemo.

Parent rendered

How it looks in the React dev tool:

Image description

Use React.memo to memoize your pure components.

Hooks changed (state, context)

How it looks in the React dev tool:

Image description

Nothing too obvious to do here. Try to validate that the hook that changed makes sense. Perhaps a bad context provider is faking out changes the same way as fake prop changes might appear.

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Trigger Workflow

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import (

    suprsend ""

func main() {
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    // Create WorkflowTriggerRequest body
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        "workflow": "workflow-slug",
        "recipients": []map[string]interface{}{
                "distinct_id": "0f988f74-6982-41c5-8752-facb6911fb08",
                // if $channels is present, communication will be tried on mentioned channels only (for this request).
                // "$channels": []string{"email"},
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Top comments (45)

dannydev06 profile image
Danny akinola

I suggest Code Splitting:

Use code splitting to divide your application into smaller chunks, and load only the necessary parts when they are needed. This can be achieved using tools like Webpack.

buchslava profile image
Vyacheslav Chub

or Qwik ;)

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

Nice write-up!

I think the key thing is understanding what you are asking of a framework, if you render thousands of components then it's going to be slow, it's just easy to not think of that when working with the basic principles in React and not accounting for how things will scale.

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

The power of microprocessors grow year after year, and yet you see constant performance enhancements in many projects, including .Net (to mention a very large one). What I'm trying to say is: People that say "we won't care about our memory consumption because RAM is cheap", or "bundle size doesn't matter becase Internet speeds are faster year after year", are people unwilling or unable to do the right thing.

Apologies if it feels like it goes your way. It is my honest opinion.

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turtleflyer profile image
Andrei Kovalev

Do you know the size of the core React library bundle? It is less than 3 kB minified an gzipped. It is less than 100 ms of loading size even on 3G. Do you really think it is a bottleneck?

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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Interesting. Can you point me to a React project in GitHub or elsewhere where once compile will produce a less than 42kb bundle? Because this is the size it is always seen. If you have an example of a React project than bundles around 3kb, I'd love to see it because that's the SolidJS and Svelte bundle sizes, never React sizes.

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turtleflyer profile image
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turtleflyer profile image
Andrei Kovalev
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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Thanks. It is an interesting metric, but by all means an incorrect one. The cost of React is 40kb as a minimum. I wonder why bundlephobia reports such a low number? Anyway, thanks for the link. Interesting thing, this bundlephobia. However, it is completely off base when it comes to React at the very least.

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turtleflyer profile image
Andrei Kovalev

Because it is true. Why do you think overthise?

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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Because I have done the exercise many times:

  1. npm create vite@latest. Select React + Typescript + SWC.
  2. Move to project directory, then npm i.
  3. npm run build.

I just did it. Here's the screenshot: Out of the box, the sample Vite project is over 143KB, 46kb gzipped.

React Bundle

Would you like to see a Svelte test?

efpage profile image

Your car is slow? May it help to put more fuel in? Likely not.

Just buy a new one...

devdufutur profile image
Rudy Nappée • Edited

First, define slow

efpage profile image

Ok, wait a minute. I´ll tell you when this damn web site has been rendered....

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devdufutur profile image
Rudy Nappée

React isn't as slow

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efpage profile image

No, but obviously there are a number of stumbling blocks that should be avoided. If it turns out you're spending more time finding the stumbling blocks, then maybe it's time to find a new platform.

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devdufutur profile image
Rudy Nappée • Edited

AngularJS guys told 10 years ago that below 100ms of latency your users won't notice. Even in a complex app you have to do really crappy job to cross that limit.

If you look at complex & fucked up apps (look at jira for instance), latency is implied by a shitload of unnecessary XHR (graphql is our friend) not so much by the front-end library.

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artxe2 profile image
Yeom suyun

React is not slow enough to lose popularity.
Starbucks and McDonald's were able to expand globally because they were not tasteless...

borfast profile image
Raúl Pedro Fernandes Santos

React is a great piece of software in terms of engineering but it is a terrible choice for the vast majority of projects because it was never meant to be used in the kind of projects most people work on. React's biggest problem isn't React itself; it's the fact that too many people pick their tools because they are shiny, and not because they solve the specific problem they are working on. I wrote about this here (or here, if you want the original).

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
laurentpayot profile image
Laurent Payot

You can switch to Preact, a fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API.

nikl profile image
Nik L.

Never heard, any resource?

laurentpayot profile image
Laurent Payot

The resource was on the link ;) Once again:

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

React is slow. 🐌
Tries Angular.
React is Fast. 💨

~ 🤡

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

I'd love to comply for a salary as your personal assistant, but in the meantime, feel free to look it up on your own. Cheers.

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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Wow, is that what "fast" looks like in React nowadays? So much for the Mr. Beast example, I suppose.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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monoprosito profile image
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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

That was nice, @monoprosito. Definitely quite informative. One more star for Svelte, I suppose. 👌

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