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Nikunj Shingala
Nikunj Shingala

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Why Laravel Is One Of The Most Popular Back End Frameworks?

W3Techs found that PHP is utilized by 80.2% of all websites in their most recent study. These findings directly contradict the widespread belief in the IT world that PHP is on its last legs. These results throw up the door for further debate on the subject. To be more specific, this refers to the technology and tools that are often used in PHP-based endeavors. 

It's also hard to see any major programming language being used without some kind of framework. You may use Django and Node with Python. Express is a good fit for.js, while Laravel is the best option for PHP.

When compared to other PHP frameworks, Laravel stands out as a frontrunner. Now, we'll provide you with eight solid arguments for why you should choose the Laravel framework. The benefits of using Laravel Is there a better framework, and if so, why? What is it?

What is Laravel Framework?

For those curious, the Laravel framework is a web application development environment.

Perhaps you're asking why you should use a PHP framework such as Laravel. First things first however, let's explain what a framework is and why it's helpful in the context of computer programming so that we're all on the same page.

In the world of computer programming, a "framework" refers to a piece of pre-existing, reusable code that is used as a starting point for new applications. It offers predefined features that may be integrated into a program at will to enhance functionality and productivity. 

With more than 60k ratings on GitHub, Laravel is the most popular PHP framework. Therefore, a software framework like Laravel is meant to save developers time by providing them with pre-made solutions. These solutions range in complexity from those that help with everyday chores like routing, authentication, sessions, and caching to those that provide the comprehensive tools required to build large, reliable systems. 

Why is it so popular?
You may streamline your web development process considerably by taking use of Laravel's many benefits, some of which are listed below.

1. Quicker product launch.

The Laravel PHP framework was designed to be modular, making it easier to complete routine tasks. This means that the latest PHP best practices are supported by Laravel's extensive library of pre-built functions and structures, allowing for rapid development of adaptive websites. 

Since Laravel was released in 2011, its open-source nature has allowed for constant development and improvement to its corresponding resources.

Because of this, creating web applications with Laravel is a breeze. When using the Laravel framework, you won't have to spend days or weeks coding from scratch. As a result, it expedites the delivery of applications while also reducing costs.

2. More reliable method of authentication and authorization

Implementing a full authentication system, including Login, Registration, and Password Reset, is a breeze using the Laravel framework. You won't believe it, but Laravel does all this with only one command. In addition, it simplifies the management of access permissions and authorisation logic.

3. You Can Avoid Technical Flaws

As you go through the software development lifecycle, the time and money needed to patch these vulnerabilities grows rapidly (SDLC). The following graph illustrates how the introduction of security flaws drives up costs.

When it comes to securing your online app from the most serious security threats like SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting, Laravel is your only option.

When should you utilize Laravel Framework? For the simple reason that it guarantees that no malicious code or other security risks will ever reach the web app. To put it simply, if you're using Laravel to build a PHP web project, you can be certain that it will be safe.

4. Laravel Framework's MVC Design

Laravel's MVC-based design is one of the reasons why it's the most popular back-end frameworks.

Your web project may take use of MVC's pre-existing features and functionality to the fullest extent possible thanks to the work of your developers. When compared to other PHP frameworks, MVC design offers superior documentation, enhanced efficiency, and a wide range of in-built functions.

5. Functionality for Automated and Unit Testing

The Laravel Framework's exceptional testing support is a major strength. It's impossible to know for sure that a web app is bug-free and meets all of the specified criteria without first putting it through extensive testing.

The Laravel framework facilitates automated testing, cutting down on testing time and ensuring your web app's smooth operation. You can undertake expressive testing of your app using its easy methods of mimicking common user actions (such making queries, examining outcomes, and clicking forms).

Unit testing in the PHP Laravel framework allows you to check the functionality of individual parts of your project before integrating them. As a consequence, the resulting web applications will have optimal performance.

6. Scheduling and executing tasks automatically 

An automated job scheduling system is an essential part of any online application. Cleaning up the database is one way to speed up online applications, but there are other ways as well, such as sending emails to subscribers or push alerts to app users.

A single Cron entry on the server is all that's needed to perform the job you describe inside the Laravel framework, and you can do it in a way that's both speedy and expressive.

7. Traffic handling 

This feature of the Laravel framework not only makes your web project quick and efficient, but it also helps you save money on hosting. When an app gets more successful, it becomes more difficult to manage the resulting influx of visitors.

The current state of affairs is as follows: more users mean more requests for a web app to process per second. If this happens, either the cost of hosting the website or web application will skyrocket, or the website itself may crash, resulting in lost information.

That would be a nightmare scenario that you would never want to imagine yourself in. The message queue mechanism is supported by the PHP Laravel Framework. 

In addition to assisting in the management of online traffic, the system aids in keeping web servers in good condition. This is only one of the numerous ways in which Laravel contributes to the overall well-being of a web server.

The Laravel queue service standardizes on a single API for use with various queue backends. Delaying the completion of a time-consuming action, like sending an email, until a later time greatly accelerates web requests to your service thanks to queues.

8. Routing in the Laravel Framework

When a server gets a request, it does some action to deal with it. The term "routing" describes this action. Moreover, Laravel's routing really is top-notch.

Laravel's routing code, for one, is easy to understand. When compared to the code utilized in competing frameworks for Starting the path in the application provides enough leeway and management to conform to the URL. This further simplifies and expands the expressiveness of route definitions.

Additionally, one may define resources for CRUD pages, affix filters, and name, group, and bind route models to automatically inject model instances or request parameters. As an added bonus, Laravel has support for HTTP middleware, which is essential for extending the functionality of the HTTP protocol. This middleware allows a web server and a PHP application to communicate more efficiently without the need for additional software.


Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks for websites and web apps because it provides support for the MVC pattern, object-oriented libraries, command-line interfaces, a powerful templating engine, the built-in ORM implementation, streamlined unit testing, route protection, and attention to security in software design.

If this all seems plausible, you should give it some thought and, with the above in mind, seek for the best Laravel development company for your project. You will only be able to use the framework to its full potential.

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