Streamed: 11/05 on Twitch
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The first goal of the night was getting a random soundbite to play during streams when certain “trigger” words are said.
Example: Someone in chat says “wow” in a sentence and a random clip of Owen Wilson sayin “wow” plays.
Then we started work on a clone of Dope Wars (which we named Derp Wars).
Wait... Dope Wars?? What!?
In what might have amounted to the best/worst idea I've ever had, chat & I started working on a clone of Dope Wars (aka Drugwars). Dubbed Derp Wars by viewers, the plan is to use the game in educational content. Expect a full tutorial on DEV as well as a YT post coming up in the next week or so! :D
Language(s) Used: Python
Tech & lib(s) used: VSCode, TwitchIO
Project Repository ⭐ DeepThonk
👇 Code & notes from stream down below! :D
During the stream we...
✔ continued working on the random sfx feature we started last stream
✔ realized we need Honk The Planet
✔ made a note to get the Big Dict() Energy
t-shirts done too
✔ created a class for interfacing with the server
✔ got random sfx working and CELEBRATED 🎉 (wow)
✔ freaked out because we thought the streamdeck broke
✔ started working on Derp Wars
✔ got a basic MVP working!
✔ raided @HighGai, a rad Japanese/English streamer
Here's some code we wrote during the stream...
In the bot app, we listen for message events
. When a message event comes through, we tokenize™ the content, check to see if a trigger word was said, then emit a websocket event to the server to play the sound if it does.
# in
randos = server_interface.get_randos() # get sfx trigger words from server
async def rando_sfx(ctx):
'listens for certain words then triggers a sfx from them'
# make sure bot ignores itself
author =
if author == twitch_bot_nick.lower():
# listen for trigger words in messages
for word in randos:
if word.lower() in ctx.content.lower().split(' '):
# emit ws event to call the sfx from teh server
await emit_rando_sfx(word.lower())
log.debug(f"WE HEARD A WORD!! ({word})") # it's bird
The function that emits the ws is pretty simple. It just talks to the Flask server that hosts the browser source that queues and plays the audio.
# in
async def emit_rando_sfx(word):
'tell teh server a rando sfx word was said'
await sio.emit(event='rando', data=word)
When the server receives the ws, it's all like "Aiight, I'll let the page know." Then it finger guns into infinity. 👈😎👈
# in (the Flask app)
def sfx_event(word, methods=['GET', 'POST']):
'Recievs SFX requests from bot app & triggers SFX on the Browser Source'
word_said = str(word) # i'm tellin ya, it's bird.
# choose a random file in directory
random_file = random.choice(os.listdir(f'static/sfx/randos/{word_said}/'))
# emit play rando sfx to the webpage thingy
socketio.emit('rando triggered', [word_said, random_file])
log.debug(f"RANDO Triggered => {word_said}")
From that point, the web page just listens for the websocket and queues up the audio to play.
// in sfx.js
socket.on( 'rando triggered', msg => {
There are a few tweaks we need to make to the code to make it flawless. For instance, since we’re tokenizing/splitting with spaces, this code won’t work with trigger words next to punctuation of any kind. We’ll tackle those issues on an upcoming stream. :)
Live Coding Schedule
That pretty much wraps things up for this stream. If you have any questions about the code, Python, or any of the tech used in general - swing by during a live stream and say hello!
💜 Follow on Twitch
I stream Python coding & lame jokes™ on Twitch every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday around 7pm PST.
For the most up to date schedule, check my pinned post on Twitter.
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