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Navraj Chohan
Navraj Chohan

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Getting Your Priorities Straight: The Importance of Core Features Over Shiny New Things

In the dynamic world of business and technology, it's easy to get swept up in the allure of new opportunities and the promise of prospective customers. However, it's crucial to remember the foundation upon which your business stands: your core features and value propositions.

Throughout my professional journey, I've observed a recurring pattern in many companies I've worked with. They often prioritize the requests of new customers and the allure of the next shiny new feature over ensuring that their core functionality is solid and reliable. This approach, while seemingly beneficial in the short term, can lead to long-term challenges and even potential setbacks.

Why Core Features Matter

  1. Trust and Reliability: Your core features are what your existing customers have come to rely on. Ensuring they work flawlessly is a testament to your commitment to delivering consistent quality. It builds trust, and in the business world, trust is invaluable.

  2. Foundation for Growth: Think of your core features as the foundation of a building. Before you add more floors (new features), you need to ensure that the foundation is strong enough to support them. Otherwise, the entire structure could come crashing down.

  3. Reputation and Brand Image: In the age of digital communication, word spreads fast. If your core features are buggy or unreliable, it won't be long before the market knows. Prioritizing core functionality helps maintain a positive brand image.

The Allure of the New

It's understandable to want to cater to prospective customers. After all, growth is a primary goal for most businesses. However, chasing after every new feature request can spread your resources thin and divert attention from what truly matters. It's like trying to fill a bucket with holes; no matter how much water you pour in, it will keep leaking until you fix the core issue.

A Message to Haly

As the CEO of the company that makes Haly, I urge you to take this blog as a gentle reminder. It's essential to get our priorities straight. While innovation and expansion are vital, they should never come at the expense of our core features and value propositions. Let's ensure that Haly stands as a beacon of reliability and quality in the market.

In conclusion, while it's tempting to chase after the next big thing, it's crucial to remember where our true value lies. By ensuring that our core features are solid and dependable, we not only serve our existing customers better but also create a stable platform upon which we can build and innovate for the future.

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