DEV Community

Nočnica Mellifera
Nočnica Mellifera

Posted on

Whats a subreddit/slack/substack that you rely on?

Twitter communities can be amorphous and the community at an office can be great until you switch jobs, what's a community that you rely on to give you answers, support or encouragement?

subreddits (I really love the community on r/unity3d)

substacks (I spent a while replying to tons of stuff on Stack Overflow but I know some people are in to particular substacks


Let me know in the comments

Top comments (7)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I haven't found any Slack things (places, communities, rooms? I don't know the term) that are worth hanging around. They're harder to find and proprietary and generally harder to work with than plain old IRC anyway.

As far as reddit goes, well, r/badcode is worth a laugh. r/programming is good, r/programmerhumor isn't.

At work, I rely, if anything, on r/listentothis (via Music Player For Reddit while working and on r/nosleep between tickets.

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma • Edited


campbellgoe profile image
George O. E. Campbell Three.js slack group.
It is reasonably busy and the people there are really helpful.

juancarlospaco profile image
Juan Carlos
plutov profile image
Alex Pliutau

I recently started my Newsletter as well - (1k subscribers after less than months)

modojodo profile image
Umer Hassan

This is a good one mostly for career/jobs related advice r/cscareerquestions/

kaos profile image
Kai Oswald

Don't really rely on it, but vue.js has a pretty nice discord server for discussions.