DEV Community

Obed Tandadjaja
Obed Tandadjaja

Posted on

Firebase/Firestore is becoming too complicated of a product. Am I the only one?

Does anyone feel like Firestore is becoming too complicated for the average user? I used Firestore for my most recent project and the amount of customization and options is just overwhelming. From security rules, cache vs. server fetch, snapshots, pending writes, etc. The product is not as beginner-friendly as it used to be before.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Top comments (4)

mikeisprogramming profile image
Mihaly Szigyarto

You are not. I am a backend focused developer, so it's not the first db I've seen, but first time using firebase. It's api is terrible for me. I am googling for almost everything despite using typescript and often find outdated api solutions.

_bigblind profile image
Frederik 👨‍💻➡️🌐 Creemers

I think it's still beginner friendly, though I guess maybe they coulod do a better job of making it clear what you need to know for a basic app, and which things are advanced concepts?

psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi

I'm commenting because I would like to hear some thoughts.

I haven't used Firebase in a while

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic • Edited

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