So I've always asked myself what makes a good developer, is it the amount of knowledge the experience or the talent?.

It is all confusing in the IT world because there is no highest standard of deciding if one's code is better than someone else's. That's what got me thinking that being a good developer isn't really an asset that is just acquired one day or another,all the opposite being a good developer is being in loving with the development process and being passionate enough to keep learning new things everyday.
Because when it comes right in to it, technology is an endless sea and taken individually we pretty much don't know anything. And It's what makes this journey quite exciting and fascinating, the fact that there's so much to learn and so much to keep up with is what drive us to build teams and create open source ideas, and ultimately that's what causes progress.

So, I really feel that although we might get overwhelmed it's absolutely fine the most important part is to keep on improving , and as the time passes one would notice how much improvement was accomplished and how better the skills are getting.
So keep on coding guys but don't forget to take some days off as not to burn out . and during the time off try writing some articles or watching some new quick tutorials that get you set up on little details that will for sure make the difference in the long run.
Thank you for reading this post hope it got your energy back to proper levels!
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