What is Azure Functions?
Azure Functions is a platform for serverless applications. It lets developers host executable business logic without the need to provision infrastructure. Azure Functions offers inherent scalability, with pricing based solely on the utilization of resources. The language you choose to create your function code in can be C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, or PowerShell. In order to include well-known libraries into your business logic, support for package managers such as NuGet and npm is also provided.
Steps involved in creating function app
- Click create resource
- Search for function app in the market place
- Select the function app and click create
-Fill in the project details which include subscription and resource group
- In the instance details, only select .Net in the runtime stack
- Leave the operating system on default as Windows
- Leave the hosting as default also
- Click Review + create
- Click create after passing validation
- Wait for it to deploy
- Once deployment is complete select go to resource
- This will take you to function overview page
- Under function select create in azure portal to create a function
- Select HTTP Trigger under Templates; this means that the function will be tested over browser
- Click create
- After successfully creating a function
- Select get url
- Copy the url
- Open a new browser, paste the copied url and search
- To pass a name in the query string, add &name=Olalekan at the end of the copied url. Note that Olalekan can be any name.
You can also test your function app by running the following code on CLI pane: curl "copied url"
It will ask you to pass a name in the query string and you do so by adding &name=Olalekan to the copied url just like the previous method.
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