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How To Create Music Player Using HTML , CSS and JavaScript?

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CSS: Style.css

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JS: index.js

"use strict";

let audioTrack = document.createElement("audio");
audioTrack.preload = "metadata";

let blurElement = document.getElementById("blurElement");

let themes = document.getElementById("themes");

let musicBox = document.getElementById("musicBox");

let trackItemsWrapper = document.getElementById("trackItemsWrapper");

let trackArtistName = document.getElementById("trackArtistName");
let trackAlbumName = document.getElementById("trackAlbumName");

let coverImage = document.getElementById("coverImage");

let playButton = document.getElementById("playButton");
let playButtonIcon = playButton.firstElementChild;
let pauseButtonIcon = playButton.lastElementChild;

let previousButton = document.getElementById("previousButton");
let nextButton = document.getElementById("nextButton");

let volumeWrapper = document.getElementById("volumeWrapper");
let volumeButton = document.getElementById("volumeButton");
let volumeNumber = document.getElementById("volumeNumber");

let wavesVolumeButton = document.getElementById("wavesVolumeButton");
let highVolumeSymbol = document.getElementById("highVolumeSymbol");
let mediumVolumeSymbol = document.getElementById("mediumVolumeSymbol");
let lowVolumeSymbol = document.getElementById("lowVolumeSymbol");
let volumeCross = document.getElementById("volumeCross");

let currentTrackTimeNumber = document.getElementById("currentTrackTimeNumber");
let currentTrackDuration = document.getElementById("currentTrackDuration");

let trackProgressBar = document.getElementById("trackProgressBar");
let trackLoading = document.getElementById("trackLoading");
let currentTrackTimeBar = document.getElementById("currentTrackTimeBar");

let musics = [
    trackName: "Losing Control",
    artist: "Villain of the story",
    album: "Divided",
    coverImage: "",
    trackName: "Senden Baska",
    artist: "Serhet Durmus",
    album: "Singles",
    coverImage: "",
    trackName: "I don't care",
    artist: "Apocalyptica",
    album: "Singles",
    coverImage: "",
    trackName: "Monster",
    artist: "Fight the Fade",
    album: "APOPHYSITIS",
    coverImage: "",

    trackName: "Dance With the Devil",
    artist: "Breaking Benjamin",
    album: "Phobia",
    coverImage: "",
    trackName: "The Catalyst",
    artist: "Linkin Park",
    album: "A Thousand Sun",
    coverImage: "",
    trackName: "Lali",
    artist: "Jony",
    album: "Spisok tvoikh mysley",
    coverImage: "",

musics.forEach((item, index) => {
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function informationUpdate(target) {
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audioTrack.addEventListener("waiting", waitingEvent);

function waitingEvent() {

audioTrack.addEventListener("canplay", (e) => {
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let firstPlay = true;
audioTrack.addEventListener("loadstart", (e) => {
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  if (!firstPlay) {;
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let requestAnimationTimeArgument =;

requestAnimationFrame(function currentTimeUpdater(
) {
  let currentTime = audioTrack.currentTime;

  let currentMinute = Math.trunc(currentTime / 60);
  let currentSeconds = Math.trunc(currentTime % 60);

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    currentSeconds = "0" + currentSeconds;

  currentTrackTimeNumber.textContent = `${currentMinute}:${currentSeconds}`; =
    (currentTime / audioTrack.duration) * 100 + "%";


audioTrack.addEventListener("canplay", canPlayEvent);

audioTrack.addEventListener("durationchange", canPlayEvent);

function canPlayEvent(e) {
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  let totalSeconds = Math.trunc(totalTime % 60);

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trackProgressBar.addEventListener("pointerdown", (e) => {
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  function trackProgressBarPointerMove(e) {
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  document.addEventListener("pointerup", (e) => {

trackProgressBar.addEventListener("wheel", (e) => {
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playButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
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previousButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
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nextButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
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audioTrack.addEventListener("play", (e) => { = 0; = 1;
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// prevent from nested animations
let firstTimeAnimation = true;
audioTrack.addEventListener("playing", (e) => {
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      { filter: "blur(30px)" },
        duration: 5000,
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    firstTimeAnimation = false;

audioTrack.addEventListener("pause", (e) => { = 1; = 0;

    { filter: "blur(10px)" },
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  (e) => {
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        audioTrack.volume = (audioTrack.volume += 0.05).toFixed(2);

      case e.deltaY > 0:
        audioTrack.volume = (audioTrack.volume -= 0.05).toFixed(2);
  { passive: false }

function volumeNumberUpdate() {
  // trunc is just for (0.55 * 100)!
  volumeNumber.textContent = Math.trunc(audioTrack.volume * 100);

let wasPlaying;
audioTrack.addEventListener("volumechange", (e) => {
  let currentVolume = audioTrack.volume;
  switch (true) {
    case 0.66 < currentVolume: = "white"; = "white"; = "white"; = 1; = 0;
      if (wasPlaying) {;
        wasPlaying = false;

    case 0.33 < currentVolume && currentVolume < 0.66: = "#808080"; = "white"; = "white"; = 1; = 0;
      if (wasPlaying) {;
        wasPlaying = false;

    case 0 < currentVolume && currentVolume < 0.33: = "#808080"; = "#808080"; = "white"; = 1; = 0;
      if (wasPlaying) {;
        wasPlaying = false;

    case currentVolume == 0: = 0; = 1;
      if (!audioTrack.paused) {
        wasPlaying = true;


document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
  switch (e.code) {
    case "ArrowDown":
      audioTrack.volume = (audioTrack.volume -= 0.05).toFixed(2);

    case "ArrowUp":
      audioTrack.volume = (audioTrack.volume += 0.05).toFixed(2);

    case "ArrowLeft":
      audioTrack.currentTime -= 5;

    case "ArrowRight":
      audioTrack.currentTime += 5;

    case "Space":
      if (audioTrack.paused) {;
      } else {

  if (e.code == "ArrowDown" || e.code == "ArrowUp") { = 0; = 1;

    document.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
      let volumeChangeAnimation = setTimeout(() => { = 1; = 0;
      }, 600);

      document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
        if (e.code == "ArrowDown" || e.code == "ArrowUp") {

coverImage.addEventListener("pointerdown", (e) => {
  let coverImageBigSize = coverImage.cloneNode();
  coverImageBigSize.className = "cover-image-big-size";

  document.addEventListener("pointerup", (e) => {

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Top comments (2)

blitz_cloud profile image
Ionut aka BlitzCloud

Hello @ondevw19812, I checked out your code and pretty good, but why you didn't chose to share a GitHub repo or a preview of your work on CodePen, this way everyone can see your work and copy the code a lot faster.

ondevw19812 profile image
Ondev Webs • Edited

sure i'll update the same in my codepen profile
thank you