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Good First Issue: Make your first open-source contribution

Hey, future open-source contributor! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Contributing to open-source can be intimidating at firstโ€”especially when projects have thousands of lines of code and deep conversations on issues. But thatโ€™s why good first issues exist. Theyโ€™re like a friendly invitation to dip your toes in and learn the ropes without getting lost in the weeds. Think of them as the training wheels to help you start riding.

Confused cat typing furiously

Whatโ€™s a Good First Issue, ANYWAY?

Itโ€™s not about making things easy, itโ€™s about making them approachable. A good first issue is clearly defined, has a manageable scope, and (hopefully) comes with helpful pointers on where to begin.

It might involve fixing small bugs, improving documentation, or refactoring a bit of codeโ€”just enough to get you familiar without feeling overwhelmed. Or... building templates!

A Real Example

This year, Hacktoberfest has a new twist. Instead of diving into traditional GitHub pull requests, you can contribute templates directly through Frontend AI on the Webcrumbs platform! Just visit, build a template, and hit Submit.

How does it work? Itโ€™s simple:

  1. Create Your Template: Fire up Frontend AI and build a component or layout that you think could be useful for other devs. No need for complicated setupโ€”everything happens right in the browser.

  2. Submit Your Work: Once your template looks polished, click Submit Your Contribution via the Hacktoberfest button.

  3. Get Approved & Published: After a quick review, your template goes live on our platform under your name, so other developers can see (and maybe even fork) your work!

And if youโ€™re aiming for that shiny Hacktoberfest badge, donโ€™t worry! Weโ€™ll send you instructions on how to complete a PR to our GitHub once your template is approved.

Excited SpongeBob

Why Contribute?

Whether itโ€™s fixing a tiny bug or adding a brand new feature, making your first contribution is about learning. Good first issues make it easier to:

  • Get familiar with new codebases.
  • See how project maintainers structure their repos.
  • Gain confidence with small, tangible contributions.

And at the end of it all, youโ€™re officially a contributor.
Not bad, right?

Approval dance

Ready to Make Your First Contribution?

Head over to, build something cool, and submit your first open-source template. The best way to learn is by doing, and weโ€™re here to help every step of the way.

See you in the code! ๐Ÿ’›

Top comments (1)

rym_michaut profile image

and in some repos, they label the issues: hacktoberfest, like in Taipy