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Osayi Akoko
Osayi Akoko

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A Comprehensive Guide to Python Poetry for Beginners

If you've been coding in Python for a while, you're probably familiar with pip, the standard package installer. While pip works great for many use cases, there’s another tool that’s been gaining popularity in the Python ecosystem: Poetry. It promises to make dependency management, packaging, and project setup far easier and more streamlined.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through Poetry from a beginner's perspective, highlighting its key features and advantages over pip. Whether you’re a complete newcomer or someone familiar with Python, by the end of this post, you’ll understand why Poetry might just be the tool you've been missing!

What is Poetry?

At its core, Poetry is a dependency management and packaging tool for Python. It helps you manage your project's dependencies (third-party libraries and packages), environment settings, and even publishing, all in a clean and consistent way.

Why Use Poetry Instead of Pip?

While pip and virtualenv are reliable, they do require a bit of extra configuration, especially when managing multiple dependencies or setting up virtual environments. Here's why Poetry shines:

  • Automatic Dependency Resolution: Poetry handles complex dependency trees gracefully. It automatically resolves conflicts between dependencies, something pip often struggles with.
  • Unified Tooling: Instead of using pip for installations and or requirements.txt for project metadata, Poetry combines everything into one tool.
  • Virtual Environment Management: Poetry automatically creates a virtual environment, removing the need to manage one manually with virtualenv or venv.
  • Lock Files for Consistency: Like pipenv, Poetry generates a poetry.lock file that ensures all contributors and environments use the exact same package versions.

Let’s dive into how you can start using Poetry for your Python projects.

Getting Started with Poetry

1. Installing Poetry

First things first, let’s get Poetry installed on your machine.

curl -sSL | python3 -

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Alternatively, if you prefer not to use curl, Poetry also offers downloadable installation scripts for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can find them on Poetry's official website.

Once installed, verify that Poetry is ready to use by running:

poetry --version

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2. Setting Up a New Python Project with Poetry

With Poetry installed, creating a new Python project is incredibly simple.

poetry new my-awesome-project

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This command sets up a folder structure with the following:

  • pyproject.toml: This file holds all the project's metadata (like dependencies, version, author, etc.).
  • A my_awesome_project folder: This is where your code will live.
  • tests/: A directory set up for writing your unit tests.

3. Managing Dependencies

Managing dependencies in Poetry is a breeze. Let’s say you want to add requests to your project. Instead of using pip install requests, you can do:

poetry add requests

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Poetry will:

  • Add requests to your pyproject.toml file.
  • Download and install the latest version of requests and any of its dependencies.
  • Lock the exact version in the poetry.lock file, ensuring consistency across environments.

And if you need a specific version, just specify it:

poetry add requests@2.25.1

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Removing a package is just as simple:

poetry remove requests

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4. Activating the Virtual Environment

Poetry automatically sets up a virtual environment for your project. To activate it, use:

poetry shell

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Once inside the shell, you can run your Python code in an isolated environment without worrying about global dependencies. When you’re done, just exit the shell with exit.

What Makes Poetry Better Than Pip?

Now that you’ve seen how easy it is to use Poetry, let’s talk about some key areas where Poetry stands out from pip.

1. Ease of Dependency Management

With pip, managing dependencies manually means maintaining a requirements.txt file and using pip freeze > requirements.txt to lock your packages. Poetry, on the other hand, takes care of this automatically with its poetry.lock file, ensuring that you (and anyone else working on the project) have the exact same environment.

Pip: Requires you to use pip install and manually update your requirements.txt.

Poetry: Automatically updates dependencies and maintains both pyproject.toml and poetry.lock files for you.

2. Virtual Environment Automation

With pip, setting up a virtual environment typically requires using venv or virtualenv, and you have to remember to activate it manually.

Poetry handles this out-of-the-box, creating a virtual environment automatically when you start a project. If you're someone who frequently forgets to activate your virtual environment, this can save you a lot of headaches!

Pip: You need to manually create and activate virtual environments with tools like virtualenv.

Poetry: Automatically creates and manages virtual environments for each project.

3. Intuitive Versioning and Publishing

When it’s time to release your Python package to the world, Poetry makes publishing much simpler. It automatically pulls your version number from the pyproject.toml file and can even increment the version number for you.

For example:

poetry version patch

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This will bump the patch version of your project (e.g., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1). Publishing your package is as simple as:

poetry publish --build

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Pip: Requires you to manually manage and versioning, which can be confusing, especially for beginners.

Poetry: Streamlines the entire process, from versioning to publishing, all with a single command.

4. Dependency Conflict Resolution

Handling conflicting dependencies is one of the trickiest parts of package management. Pip often runs into issues when trying to resolve these, whereas Poetry uses a sophisticated resolver to automatically fix them. This means fewer headaches for you as a developer.

Pip: Can struggle with complex dependency trees, leading to conflicts.

Poetry: Automatically resolves conflicts and ensures your project has compatible dependencies.

Downsides of Poetry (Why You Might Still Want to Use Pip)

As amazing as Poetry is, there are a few reasons you might still choose pip:

  1. Simplicity for Small Projects: If you’re working on a small, single-script project or something that doesn’t require complex dependencies, pip’s simplicity might be all you need.

  2. Learning Curve: While Poetry isn’t difficult to learn, it does add another tool to your workflow. For some, using pip and requirements.txt might be easier to grasp at first.

  3. Speed: Poetry can sometimes be slower than pip when installing or resolving dependencies. However, this is usually a trade-off for more accurate dependency management.


Poetry is a fantastic tool that simplifies the often complex task of dependency management in Python. For beginners, it offers a unified, intuitive approach to creating, managing, and publishing Python projects. Compared to pip, it brings better dependency resolution, automatic virtual environment management, and simplified project configuration.

If you’re new to Python or have been using pip for years, trying out Poetry can save you time and frustration. So, why not give it a shot and see how it improves your workflow?

Happy coding, Pythonista! 🐍 🎉

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