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Vue js Forge Event Experience

On July 13 I started participating in the Vue js forge event. In this article, I want to share my personal experience. How I started learning Vue js a long time ago before this event. Also, I will share my expectations, advantages, and disadvantages of the event.

My First Time With Vue js

My first Vue js experience started at the end of 2019. I had to choose a framework for a project for my internship. At that moment I knew Vue was easy to learn. I was thinking it is a great technology, that will be popular very soon. I was wrong, even today to find work for the junior position with Vue js is way harder than with React js or Angular. Advice, check the market before learning new technologies in case Your main goal is to find work in the IT industry as soon as possible.

Event Seeking

At first, I was looking for the closest React js online event. I was looking for a new react experience and networks. I choosed react js because on the market it is easier to find work with this technology. Some tickets cost too much or events do not have online possibilities. Later I found the Vue js forge event and decided to give it a try.


I expected to build a Trello clone app with developers who were looking for new challenges and networks. Also, I expected to learn more from them and gain additional experience. About the project, I was thinking each of us will share responsibilities. I expected to take on front-end developers' tasks.


I met different people, two from Africa, one from Ukraine, and the last one from Japan who joined on the second day when the biggest part of the event passed. In the beginning, I expected two more people will join to the discord and to project. For some reason, they do not join. I wrote private messages, asking them if they will participate. One of them sent emoji, and the second one asked how many people participate in our group, conversation finished. I had hoped they will join later, maybe they are at work, or time difference. Now I understand they are not responsible people who cannot write something like - "Sorry cannot participate in this event". In this case, I could find another team. Advice, if You see something is wrong with Your team do not think a lot, change the team. With people who joined the discord voice channel. Two of them had over 15 years of commercial experience, one from Ukraine, and the other from Africa. Another person from Africa had less experience and was completely new to Vue js. I joined to contribute (Github) and Trello to track progress. After the introduction, we started working on Project. Sadly at the end of the event, I saw 2 commits from the most experienced persons in my group. Also, it was hard for me to return to Vue after such a long break. Last time I worked with Vue2, node js, express, and vuex, not worked with graphQL at all and have a basic understanding of typescript. Had live steam with different experienced people who had a lot of experience in the Vue js ecosystem. Some of them were creators of Vue js. It was a nice experience to hear comments from professionals. Sometimes it was hard to follow, at moments screen was blurry at the start of live translations, the voice was getting robotic, or changing tabs in VS code was not working. The organizers were doing their best to fix problems as soon as possible. The task is great for people, who were working with GrapQL, Pinia, and Vue3 and have more than a basic understanding of TS.

Technologies I Used or Was Trying to Learn in the Project

  • Vue3
  • Apollo Client GraphQL
  • Tailwind
  • TS
  • Pinia

Services I Used or Was Trying to Learn in the Project

  • Kendo UI - Front-end components
  • 8base - Database

Disadvantages, Different Speaker, Different Problems

  • Blurry video at the start of translation
  • Robotic voice, at moment with vueuse with Anthony Fu
  • Speaker had a problem with VS Code when he was trying to change the tab, but it was not visible on the video, because used Firefox.


  • The event was completely free and remote
  • Speakers were experienced well known persons, which was nice to follow
  • Great project exercises
  • After the event videos are available


Even if I do not found the event, that I was looking for I was happy to meet new people and gain new experiences. Also, this event let me know, which technologies would be better to learn. The project was not for beginners, but it was interesting to follow even with video or voice quality problems. #Vue js forge

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