Hello guys, this is my first post on dev.to and today, I'll be sharing with you the list of packages, how to install them on your atom text editor giving it a new look and making your coding moment more fascinating and enjoyable.
1. Atom-beautify ๐
Guess what it's one of its kind. Wait are you worried about indentations? ๐ฅ this will save you and make your codes more clean and organized.
to install, press ctrl + alt + T this will open your terminal on ubuntu and probably on Mac Os too, then type or copy the following command apm install atom-beautify to the terminal
2. linter ๐
This provide you with option to view errors in your codes without stress. To install, copy or type apm install linter.
Note You might want to install specific linter for different work and languages you're using
3. Autocomplete-paths
Just as it sounds, it'll autocomplete the missing path. I love this package with my ๐ heart and I can't live without it. funny! ๐
By now, you should know how to install this package apm install autocomplete-paths so simple right??๐
Let's test this out by typing fun (function) and we see this
Hold on, now press enter. You should see the autocomplete working now.
4. File-icons
File icons is a lovely package every atom user must have (sorry not a must but choice)
5. php-cs-fixer
No 1 package. I can't explain why I kept it as the 5th. This is PHP Coding Standards Fixer.
The installation is quiet different from the rest of the package. We need to meet the requirement by making the package available on our path. Sorry for the long story
The following steps will solve it.
- Navigate to your terminal
- Check if composer is installed by executing composer -v. This will check the version of composer. However, you can follow this link to install composer
You should see the above output if composer is installed
Next, copy and paste $ composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to your terminal
Lastly, copy $ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"
With figlet, you can convert a selection into ascii-art which is sometimes useful when documentin g.
Must have for every Laravel developer
Something missing? leave a comment, I can't wait to see other amazing packages
Top comments (1)
Looks a fantastic list ... but I'm on windows ... :-) ... is there an extension manager on atom?
Thank you