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Santino Pacilio
Santino Pacilio

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How to install NvChad and Neovim In Ubuntu/Windows (WSL)

This tutorial is simple and direct to the point. I think that using this type of "distros" of Neovim are good for beginners. Or, you're transitioning from VS Code or some IDE to Neovim/Vim.

Why Nvchad?: I think it's a good "distro" to start with Neovim. As usual, You'll have to learn the basic commands of Neovim, etc. But, for beginners, this "distro" does a great job.

Let's get to the point.

Install NvChad and Neovim on Ubuntu/WSL:

First, you will have to install the newest version of Neovim. Or, versions of Neovim that are up to 0.8.0. Else, Nvchad won't work.

Nvim link:

You will have to install the nvim-linux64.tar.gz:

Image description

After that, extract it, and put this commands on the terminal:

tar xzvf nvim-linux64.tar.gz
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

and run it:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now, time to install nvchad. Go to the official page of Nvchad: Make sure to follow the prerequisites the page tell you.

Image description

Now, you'll have to put this on the terminal:

git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And follow the steps that Nvchad tell you in the installation.

Install Nvchad and Neovim on Windows:

Install the newest version of Neovim up to 0.8.0: Install the Msi/Windows release.

Image description

After you installed the Neovim, we proceed to install Nvchad:

Go to the official page: and follow the pre-requisites.

Image description

After you completed all the requisites, put this command on the CMD o Terminal (Windows 11):

git clone %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim --depth 1 && nvim
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Make sure you have git installed. If you don't, install it:

Image description

Now, the installer of nvchad will appear, and you would have to follow the steps this indicates.

Thanks for watching this post, It's my first post, so feedback it's welcome!.

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Santino Pacilio

Fellas, I have seen that I'd a problem with the links, so here are the links:

Nvim link:



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