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What to Expect for iOS App Development Costs in 2024

iOS apps continue to dominate the mobile app market, and with the constant evolution of technology, businesses are increasingly looking to develop robust iOS applications. But how much does it cost to develop an iOS app in 2024 and beyond? Several factors come into play, including the app's size, complexity, design, and more. Let’s break down these key factors influencing iOS app development costs to give you a clear picture.

How Much Does It Cost to Make an iOS App?

There’s no fixed price for iOS app development. The cost varies depending on several factors. On average, building a simple app might cost anywhere between $30,000 and $50,000. For more complex apps with advanced features, the price could go up to $100,000 or more. In some cases, enterprise-level apps with intricate functionalities could even exceed $200,000.

Several aspects impact the total cost, and understanding each of these will help you gauge your project budget more accurately.

iOS App Size

One of the first things that affect the cost of development is the size of the app. Small apps with basic functionalities, like simple games or utility apps, are cheaper to develop. Medium-sized apps with multiple features, such as in-app purchases, integrations with third-party services, or user authentication, will increase costs. Large apps that include heavy data processing, real-time updates, or complex backend infrastructure will require substantial development time and resources, driving up the overall price.

Complexity of the iOS App

The complexity of the app is closely tied to its size, but this factor also includes the intricacy of the code, the number of screens, and the level of customization. Simple apps with standard features like social login, profile management, and basic navigation are much cheaper to develop. On the other hand, complex apps with features such as real-time user tracking, AI-based personalization, or large-scale data processing can significantly add to the cost.

For instance, if you’re looking for an iPhone app developer for hire to build a machine-learning-driven iOS app, expect higher costs due to the advanced technology and resources required.

iOS App Category

Different types of apps fall into different pricing categories. For example, a gaming app will generally cost more than a lifestyle app due to the advanced graphics, real-time performance requirements, and intensive coding involved. Categories like eCommerce apps, social networking apps, and enterprise apps also tend to cost more because they involve higher levels of functionality, integrations with payment gateways, social media, and backend systems.

When searching for iOS app developers for hire, consider the category of your app, as this will help you find specialists in that domain.

iOS App Design

Design plays a crucial role in the user experience of an app. Investing in a great design can differentiate your app from competitors. The cost of designing an iOS app depends on whether you opt for a basic design or a custom, highly interactive UI/UX. A professional design ensures intuitive navigation, smooth interactions, and a visually appealing interface, but it comes with added cost.

Whether you’re planning to hire iOS developers or looking for a full-service development agency, prioritize design in your budget considerations.

Hiring Model

The hiring model you choose will significantly impact the overall cost. Generally, there are three common models:

Freelancers: They are cost-effective, but the project timeline may be longer, and quality can vary.

In-house developers: Hiring in-house developers ensures better communication and control, but it is the most expensive option, considering salaries, benefits, and infrastructure.

Dedicated development teams: Opting for a dedicated team from a development agency combines expertise with cost-effectiveness. Many companies opt for iOS developers for hire from specialized agencies for the right balance between quality and cost.

The right hiring model depends on the scope and complexity of your project. Companies looking for a balance between cost and quality often choose to hire dedicated iOS developers from agencies rather than go the freelancer or in-house route.

Development Team Size

The size of the development team also plays a major role in determining costs. A larger team with multiple developers, designers, and testers can complete the project faster but will increase the overall cost. Smaller teams or solo developers might be more affordable but could extend the development timeline. Depending on your project size and complexity, you might need a diverse team of developers, designers, testers, and project managers.

Development Team Location

The location of your development team can also influence the cost of iOS app development. Developers in North America and Western Europe generally charge higher rates compared to developers in Eastern Europe, India, or Southeast Asia. For example, an iPhone app developer for hire in the U.S. may charge between $100 and $200 per hour, while developers in Eastern Europe or Asia may charge between $25 and $75 per hour.

Hiring offshore developers is a common practice for businesses looking to reduce costs without sacrificing quality. However, time zones, communication, and cultural differences should be considered when working with international teams.

Development Platform

The choice between native iOS app development and cross-platform app development significantly affects costs. Native apps are designed specifically for iOS and offer better performance, security, and integration with iOS features. However, they are more expensive because they require specialized skills and separate codebases if you want an Android version as well.

On the other hand, cross-platform apps allow you to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android, which saves time and money. However, they might not perform as well as native apps and may have limitations in terms of advanced features or platform-specific optimization.

Native iOS App Development

Native iOS app development uses programming languages like Swift or Objective-C to build an app that integrates seamlessly with iOS features like Face ID, ARKit, or Siri. Native apps provide better performance, speed, and usability, which is crucial for complex or high-performance apps. However, they require a skilled iOS app developer, increasing the overall cost.

If you're considering hiring iOS app developers for hire specifically for native development, ensure they have expertise in the latest iOS technologies.

Cross-platform App Development

Cross-platform development has gained popularity due to its ability to reduce costs by sharing a single codebase across multiple platforms. Tools like Flutter or React Native are commonly used for this purpose. While cross-platform apps save time and money, they may not fully utilize platform-specific features or offer the same level of performance as native apps.

If you’re on a tight budget but want to reach both iOS and Android audiences, cross-platform development may be a viable option. Be sure to hire iOS developers with experience in cross-platform technologies if you opt for this route.


iOS app development costs in 2024 will continue to vary based on factors like app size, complexity, design, and the hiring model. When planning your project, carefully consider these factors to set a realistic budget. Whether you opt for native or cross-platform development, choosing the right iPhone app developer for hire or hiring dedicated iOS developers will ensure that your project is a success.

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