DEV Community

Pacharapol Withayasakpunt
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

Posted on

Why is `cli init folder && cd folder && git init` the norm?

Also, most cloud providers, e.g. Netlify and Vercel, expect package.json to be at the root folder.

How do I migrate, for example, from Nuxt to Hugo?

My usual solution? I generally structure like a monorepo.

.gitignore # for macOS specific ignores
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So that I can add packages/backend/, if required.

Top comments (1)

louislow profile image
Louis Low • Edited

To anti the norm, you can always do this,

$ alias pokemon='cli init folder && cd folder && git init'
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And use it as,

$ pokemon
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I am replying this comment to the post title, not to the post content. Sorry, I am annoying and bored.