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Hello, DEV!

I thought I’d use my first post as a little introduction. I’m Paulina, I'm 23 and based in London, UK. In the summer I graduated with a degree in International Business but I realised that I wasn’t actually passionate about it and didn’t want to pursue it as a career. I felt really lost and it seemed like everyone around me had their “thing”, that they were passionate about and loved. Then I saw someone post about a course in coding and I thought f*ck it, why not? And I fell in love. I’ve since turned into a massive nerd and next week I’m starting an immersive, three month training to become a software engineer! I’m really excited to start this journey and my biggest dream is to one day work for Spotify.

I’ve been thinking of starting a blog for a while however the little hater in my head always said “you’re bad at writing”, “what are you even going to write about”, “no one is going to read it anyway”. And then I found DEV and I think its a great place for me to start and practice my writing skills. One of the reasons why I decided to start a career in tech is the amazing community and everyone wanting to help each other. I really want to be a part of that so hopefully someone, somewhere will find something helpful!

Outside of coding I love RnB 🎧, dogs 🐶, food 🍔 and art 🎨.

Top comments (7)

hmoshtagh profile image
Hamid Moshtagh

Hi Paulina!
Hope you are well and keeping Safe and Keep coding of course!
If The little voice in your head said something again about no one reading what you write ; you can take this as a testimonial that someone not only read what you wrote, but also enjoyed reading it!
As for your passion for coding , I wish you all the best of luck !
I my self like coding but I started somewhat differently than you . The kind of Coding I really really enjoy is when I develop games on unity3D which is a dedicated game development platform (2D And 3D AND Best of All its FREE!).
Downside was ; it uses C# which I had very little knowledge of , but once you know one coding language You know them all!!! There is an amazing amount of Helping material , ; tutorials And so Many friendly community people ready to lend a helping hand with Unity!

Check it out if you like!

Happy Coding!

paulinakoz profile image

Your comment actually means so much so thank you!
That actually sounds really cool, I have been coding some simple games in Python like hangman which is also really fun. I'll definitely check it out ☺️

hmoshtagh profile image
Hamid Moshtagh


eevajonnapanula profile image

Hey and welcome to Dev! For me, one of the reasons I finally got started with blogging about technical stuff was Dev and the supportiveness around here 😊

And I remember those exact feelings about not being passionate about what I was studying, and then, when I found coding again, it was just something else and I fell in love with it (still am 😄). It's super awesome that you've found what you really want to do. Good luck with the bootcamp! 😊

Looking forward to read where your journey takes you! 😊

paulinakoz profile image

I haven't been on DEV that long but I'm already feeling the support and its great!
Thank you so much! ☺️

acoh3n profile image

The hater in your head has no idea what they're talking about. You're a great writer. So glad to have you here.

paulinakoz profile image

Thank you, that means so much!