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Suggest Related Links Action

My Workflow

Our GitHub Action is peaceiris/actions-suggest-related-links which suggests related or similar issues, documents, and links.

GitHub logo peaceiris / actions-suggest-related-links

A GitHub Action to suggest related or similar issues, documents, and links. Based on the power of NLP and fastText.

Suggest Related Links Action

A GitHub Action to suggest related or similar issues, documents, and links. Based on the power of NLP and fastText.

Suggest Related Links Action example result | peaceiris/actions-suggest-related-links

Sometimes, users create a new issue that is similar to already opened or closed issues. When you face the issue, you need to find similar issues or related links and post it as a comment. That process is a pain, right? This action can do it instead of you!

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Table of Contents

Getting Started

Create Workflow

Create your YAML workflow file as follows.

e.g. .github/workflows/suggest-related-links.yml

name: 'Suggest Related Links'
      - opened
      - edited
    - cron: '13 13 * * */7'

    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04

A GitHub Action to suggest related or similar issues, documents, and links. Based on the power of NLP and fastText.

Sometimes, users create a new issue that is similar to already opened or closed issues. When you face the issue, you need to find similar issues or related links and post it as a comment. That process is a pain, right? This action can do it instead of you!

Suggest Related Links Action example result | peaceiris/actions-suggest-related-links

e.g. .github/workflows/suggest-related-links.yml

name: 'Suggest Related Links'

      - opened
      - edited
    - cron: '13 13 * * */7'

    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
      - name: Cache dependencies
        uses: actions/cache@v2
          path: ~/actions-suggest-related-links-tmp
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-action-${{ hashFiles('~/actions-suggest-related-links-tmp/training-data.json') }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-action-

      - uses: peaceiris/actions-suggest-related-links@v1.1.1
      - uses: peaceiris/actions-suggest-related-links/models/fasttext@v1.1.1
        if: github.event_name == 'issues'
          version: v1.1.1
      - uses: peaceiris/actions-suggest-related-links@v1.1.1
          mode: 'suggest'
          repository: 'peaceiris/actions-gh-pages'
          unclickable: true

Workflow Overview

This action mainly consists of 5 parts: Data Collection, Preprocessing, Train model, Find similar issues, and Suggest links.

Alt Text

Data Collection

All issues of the repository are collected with the GitHub API. The issues include the title, body, and comments. Training Data is regularly collected using the scheduling function and output as an artifact and saved as a cache.


The Markdown format is converted to plain text with unified.
At this time, symbols that are not alphabetic characters are deleted.

Train Model

When a new issue is created or updated, the fastText model is trained.
In accordance with its name, fastText has the advantage of very short inference times.

We think training time at the GitHub Actions runners won't be an issue.
In the case of GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages repository, the training execution time is 1 sec and the total execution time is about 30 sec.

Find Similar Issues

Calculate word vectors of training data and word vectors of posted data in fastText. The cosine similarity is used to determine which word vectors of training data is close to the word vectors of the posted data. The higher the cosine similarity, the more similar the sentence.

Suggest Issues

Some related links which are similar to the created issue body will be listed by this action.

Suggest Related Links Action example result | peaceiris/actions-suggest-related-links

Submission Category

  • Maintainer Must-Haves

Additional Resources / Info



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