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Cover image for Write a script to find "Happy Numbers"
Peter Kim Frank
Peter Kim Frank Subscriber

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Write a script to find "Happy Numbers"

These challenge posts have been a lot of fun. Another one inspired by Fermat's Library.


In the language of your choice, write a script to find "Happy Numbers." Via Wikipedia:

A happy number is a number defined by the following process: Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits in base-ten, and repeat the process until the number either equals 1 (where it will stay), or it loops endlessly in a cycle that does not include 1. Those numbers for which this process ends in 1 are happy numbers, while those that do not end in 1 are unhappy numbers (or sad numbers).

Looking at the picture in the embedded tweet will probably help solidify the process. Here are the first few happy numbers to help check your work:

1, 7, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28, 31

Have fun!


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Top comments (28)

scastiel profile image
Sebastien Castiel • Edited

Here is a nice solution in JavaScript:

const getDigits = n => Array.from(String(n)).map(c => parseInt(c))

const getSquaredDigitsSum = n =>
    .map(n => n ** 2)
    .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)

const isHappy = n => {
  const _isHappy = ([n, ...previousSteps]) =>
      ? n === 1
      : _isHappy([getSquaredDigitsSum(n), n, ...previousSteps])
  return _isHappy([n])

Then you can play with generators for instance:

const nextHappyNumber = n => (isHappy(n) ? n : nextHappyNumber(n + 1))

function* getHappyNumbersIterator() {
  let n = 0
  while (true) {
    n = nextHappyNumber(n + 1)
    yield n

const findFirstHappyNumbers = n =>
  [...Array(n)].map(() =>

const happyNumbers = findFirstHappyNumbers(20)
// => 1,7,10,13,19,23,28,31,32,44,49,68,70,79,82,86,91,94,97,100
ripsup profile image
Richard Orelup • Edited

Another quick PHP one. Betting there is a more performant method but will leave that to someone else. :)


function isHappyNumber ($oldNumber) {
  $numArray = str_split($oldNumber);
  $newNumber = 0;
  foreach ($numArray as $val) {
    $newNumber += $val*$val;
  if ($newNumber === 1) {
    return true;
  } else if ($newNumber === 4) {
    return false;
  } else {
    return isHappyNumber($newNumber);

$happyNumbers = array();

for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++) {
  if (isHappyNumber($i)) {
    $happyNumbers[] = $i;


rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo • Edited

How does this look? I initially had happy memoizing previous numbers, but it seemed like it ran fast enough without it, and the memoizing cluttered things up.

Also, I didn't know about the digits method until now! :)

def happy_numbers do |out|
    1.step do |i|
      out << i if happy?(i)

def happy?(num)
  already_seen = []
  current_step = num
  until current_step == 1 || already_seen.include?(current_step)
    already_seen << current_step
    current_step = square_digit_sum(current_step)
  current_step == 1

def square_digit_sum(num)
    .map { |x| x**2 }

emitter = happy_numbers
puts emitter.first(10)

# => 1, 7, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28, 31, 32, 44
nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her) • Edited
function isHappy(n) {
    if (n === 4) return false;
    const u = n.toString().split('').reduce(((ac,cv) => ac + Math.pow(cv,2)), 0);
    if (u === 1) return true;
    else return isHappy(u);
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e: updated to work with all happy numbers

prodigalknight profile image
RevanProdigalKnight • Edited

Your code in ES2016+ (and a bit less readable):

const isHappy = n => {
  if (n === 4) return false;

  const u = [...n.toString()].reduce((ac, c) => ac + (c ** 2), 0);

  return u === 1 || isHappy(u);
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

You could even shorten the toString by replacing it with a template string which will do an implicit toString.

const isHappy = n => {
  if (n === 4) return false;

  const u = [...`${n}`].reduce((ac, c) => ac + (c ** 2), 0);

  return u === 1 || isHappy(u);
ripsup profile image
Richard Orelup

Looking at your solution it actually fails later in the mix. I was pretty sure you couldn't rely on the numbers not adding up to a single digit happy number (which the only other one beyond 1 is 7.)

1111111 is a happy number which will become 7 after the first iteration and 7 is a happy number. This fails your current function. Here is an updated one that would work by testing if these ever hit 4 instead of length of 1.

function isHappy(n) {
    const u = n.toString().split('').reduce(((ac,cv) => ac + Math.pow(cv,2)), 0);
    if (u === 1) return true;
    if (u === 4) return false;
    else return isHappy(u);
nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

Hmmm, good catch :D Although the fact you found all the sad numbers end in 4 is even more interesting to me.🤔🤔

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ripsup profile image
Richard Orelup

I read the wikipedia article cause I was like "wait if it's not happy wouldn't that go in to an infinite loop?" :)

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heikodudzus profile image
Heiko Dudzus

The number 42 is also in that loop, by the way. :)

heikodudzus profile image
Heiko Dudzus • Edited

Adding a solution in Haskell:

-- core function; read from bottom to top

f :: Int -> Int
f = sum          -- Sum up the squares
  . map ((^2)    -- Compute squares
         .read   -- Convert digit strings to Ints
         .(:[])) -- Explode number string to list of digit strings
  . show         -- Convert input number to string

-- This is a folding pattern with a tricky break condition,
-- depending on the list element and the accumulator.

foldP :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldP f p acc [] = acc
foldP f p acc (x:xs) | p x acc = acc
                     | otherwise = foldP f p (f x acc) xs

-- Cut off a list's tail, once a number is repeating.
-- (reverts the preserved part of the list)

cut :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
cut = foldP (:) elem [] -- fold by appending and checking if x is already in list

-- Iterate the core function, cut the result list and check if the final
-- result is 1.

isHappy :: Int -> Bool
isHappy = (== 1) . head . cut . iterate f

main = print $ filter isHappy [1..200]

Note that Haskell function composition with the (.) operator is read from right to left (or from bottom to top, respectively). The hardest part for FP is folding with a non-trivial break condition, here.

heikodudzus profile image
Heiko Dudzus • Edited

And now that I have learned a simpler break condition for the problem, it is easier:

f :: Int -> Int
f = sum          -- Sum up the squares
  . map ((^2)    -- Compute squares
         .read   -- Convert digits to Ints
         .(:[])) -- Explode number string to list of digit strings
  . show         -- Convert input number to string

isHappy :: Int -> Bool
isHappy n | n == 4 = False
          | n == 1 = True
          | otherwise = isHappy (f n)

main = print $ filter isHappy [1..200]

On the other hand, I like the possibility of my original code to see the list of intermediate results to get a feeling for the problem.

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

A work in two parts. First,, a Perl5 Module.

package Happy ;

use strict ;
use warnings ;
use utf8 ;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state } ;
no warnings qw{ experimental::postderef experimental::signatures } ;

use Carp ;
use Exporter qw( import ) ;
use List::Util qw( sum0 ) ;

our @EXPORT = qw( is_happy ) ;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ @EXPORT ], ) ;
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{ 'all' } } ) ;
our $VERSION = 0.0.1 ;

sub is_happy ( $number ) {
    croak 'Not a number' if $number =~ m{\D} ;
    croak 'Not anything' if !defined $number ;
    my %done ;
    while ( $number != 0 && $number != 1 ) {
        return 0 if $done{ $number } ;
        my $output = sum0 map { $_ ** 2 } split m{}, $number ;
        $done{ $number } = $output ;
        $number = $output ;
    return $number ;
1 ;

Which is called by a program.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict ;
use warnings ;
use utf8 ;
use feature qw{ say } ;

use lib '/home/jacoby/lib' ;
use Happy ;

for my $i ( 0 .. 1_000_000 ) {
    say $i if is_happy( $i ) ;

Not particularly golfy, because I like reading and understanding things.

colinkiama profile image
Colin Kiama
 private static string FindHappyNumbers()
            Console.WriteLine("How many happy numbers do you want to find?");

            int NumbersToFind = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            int[] NumbersFound = new int[NumbersToFind];
            int HappyNumbersFound = 0;
            int startingNum = 1;
            int num = 1;
            const int searchLoopLimit = 10;
            int searchLoops = 0;
            string numAsString = String.Empty;
            bool searchEnded = false;

            while (HappyNumbersFound < NumbersToFind)
                if (searchLoops == searchLoopLimit)
                    searchEnded = true;

                if (searchEnded)
                    ResetLoopWithNextNumber(ref startingNum, ref num, ref searchLoops, ref searchEnded);


                numAsString = num.ToString();
                int sum = 0;
                foreach (var digitChar in numAsString)
                    int digit = int.Parse(digitChar.ToString());
                    sum += (int)Math.Pow(digit, 2);

                if (sum == 1)
                    NumbersFound[HappyNumbersFound] = startingNum;
                    HappyNumbersFound += 1;
                    searchEnded = true;
                    num = sum;
                    searchLoops += 1;

            string FormattedArray = TurnArrayIntoWellFormattedString(NumbersFound);
            return FormattedArray;


 private static void ResetLoopWithNextNumber(ref int startingNum, ref int num, ref int searchLoops, ref bool searchEnded)
            startingNum += 1;
            num = startingNum;
            searchLoops = 0;
            searchEnded = false;

        private static string TurnArrayIntoWellFormattedString(int[] numbersFound)
            string StringToReturn = "";
            int length = numbersFound.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (i < length - 1)
                    StringToReturn += numbersFound[i] + ", ";
                    StringToReturn += numbersFound[i];

            return StringToReturn;

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Here's mine in C#. I feel like this could have been way shorter though. Oh well :p

navidmansuri5155 profile image

bro log code is not good......

colinkiama profile image
Colin Kiama

Thanks for letting me know.

What should I change so that my code improves?

Thread Thread
navidmansuri5155 profile image

your feedback...
your code write is good and logic is also good , but you code very long ,,,

so, listen ,try to write code small, simpal

iss0iss0 profile image

Here is my C# implementation:

private static bool IsHappy(int n)
    var u = n
        .Select(c => int.Parse(c.ToString()))
        .Sum(d => d * d);

    if (u == 1) return true;
    if (u == 4) return false;
    return IsHappy(u);
scimon profile image
Simon Proctor
sub happy($value) {
    state %cache = ( 1 => True );
    my $summed = [+] ($*²));
    return %cache{$summed} with %cache{$summed};
    %cache{$summed} = False;
    %cache{$summed} = happy($summed);

(1..200)>>.&{ happy($_)&&.say }

Here's my previously golfed version in perl6 made slightly more readable. Includes a state based cache to reduce recursion. The final line prints the happy numbers up to 200 (well up to the last befor 200)

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

Elm solution which does not use strings. Hopefully quite understandable.

sumDigitSquares sum num =
  if num == 0 then -- exit condition, processed all digits
      digit = rem num 10 -- get right-most digit
      square = digit * digit
      newNum = num // 10 -- remove right-most digit
      sumDigitSquares (sum + square) newNum

isHappy i =
  if 0 <= i && i <= 9 then -- exit condition, single digit number
    i == 1 || i == 7
    let sum = sumDigitSquares 0 i
    in isHappy sum

Two recursive functions. Exit conditions are getting a number between 0 and 9. Zero is impossible to actually get from other numbers, but there if someone input 0. The only happy numbers in that range are 1 and 7. Should work with negative numbers too.

Here is a runnable solution with UI to test a range of numbers. Try it at

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Task
import Result

sumDigitSquares sum num =
  if num == 0 then
      digit = rem num 10
      square = digit * digit
      newNum = num // 10
      sumDigitSquares (sum + square) newNum

isHappy i =
  if 0 <= i && i <= 9 then
    i == 1 || i == 7
    let sum = sumDigitSquares 0 i
    in isHappy sum

calculateUpTo i =
  List.range 1 i
    |> List.filter isHappy
    |> CalculateCompleted i

-- UI

type Msg =
  NumberInput String
  | Calculate Int
  | CalculateCompleted Int (List Int)

type Calculation =
  | Calculating Int
  | Calculated Int (List Int)

type alias Model =
  { userInput : String
  , validatedNumber : Result String Int
  , calculation : Calculation

init =
  { userInput = ""
  , validatedNumber = Err ""
  , calculation = NotStarted
  } ! []

update msg model =
  case msg of
    NumberInput s ->
      { model
        | userInput = s
        , validatedNumber = String.toInt s
      } ! []

    Calculate i ->
      { model | calculation = Calculating i }
        ! [ Task.perform calculateUpTo (Task.succeed i) ]

    CalculateCompleted i list ->
      { model | calculation = Calculated i list } ! []

view model =
  div []
    [ div [] [ text "Check for happy numbers up to" ]
    , div [] [ input [type_ "text", onInput NumberInput, value model.userInput ] [] ]
    , div [] 
      [ case model.validatedNumber of
          Err err ->
            button [ type_ "button", disabled True ] [ text "Calculate" ]
          Ok i ->
            button [ type_ "button", onClick (Calculate i) ] [ text "Calculate" ]
    , case model.calculation of
        NotStarted ->
          text ""

        Calculating i ->
          div [] [ hr [] [], text ("Calculating up to " ++ toString i) ]

        Calculated i list ->
          div []
            ( [ hr [] [], div [] [ text ("Happy numbers up to " ++ toString i) ] ]
              ++ (\num -> div [] [ text (toString num) ]) list


main =
    { init = init
    , view = view
    , update = update
    , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none

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