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Phoenix Deinert
Phoenix Deinert

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Breaking Through Imposter Syndrome: How I Learned JavaScript Variables and Data Types at Flatiron Bootcamp

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Learning JavaScript variables and data types at Flatiron Bootcamp was one of the most challenging but exciting experiences for me. At first, I found it a bit overwhelming to understand the different data types and their uses. However, I was able to overcome the initial difficulties.

Variables are like containers that store different types of data such as numbers, strings, and boolean values. For example, suppose you want to declare a variable to store your name. You can declare a string variable by writing:


let name = "Phoenix";
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You can then use this variable in your code to refer to your name later on. Similarly, if you want to store a number, you can declare a variable using the Number data type, like so:


let age = 30;
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In JavaScript, variables can also be reassigned, which means that you can change the value of the variable throughout your code. This feature can be incredibly useful, but it can also lead to confusion if you're not careful. Therefore, it's essential to understand the different data types and their properties when working with variables in JavaScript.

JavaScript has seven* primitive data types, and each has its unique properties and methods. For example, the String data type has various methods that allow you to manipulate the string, such as finding the length or converting it to uppercase or lowercase.

One of the significant challenges I faced when learning JavaScript variables and data types was dealing with imposter syndrome. As a new learner, it can be easy to feel intimidated or inadequate, especially when learning something as complex as coding. However, I realized that everyone starts somewhere, and with practice, I could overcome the obstacles.

To overcome imposter syndrome, I started by reminding myself of my accomplishments and celebrating small wins, like successfully writing a piece of code or figuring out a problem. I also sought support from my peers and instructors, who were always available to answer my questions and provide guidance.

In conclusion, learning JavaScript variables and data types at Flatiron Bootcamp was an incredibly rewarding experience. Despite the challenges, I was able to develop a solid understanding of these fundamental concepts, and I am proud of myself for persevering. If you're struggling with JavaScript variables and data types, remember that it takes time and practice, but with determination and hard work, you can overcome the challenges and become a proficient coder.

Top comments (2)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

JavaScript has six primitive data types...

JS has 7 primitive data types: string, number, bigint, boolean, undefined, symbol, and null.

phoenix_deinert profile image
Phoenix Deinert

Clearly I am still learning, thank you!!