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Minh-Phuc Tran
Minh-Phuc Tran

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Hello, World! I Started My Blog In Plain HTML

Today is a special day for me: I finally created my blog, what I has been thinking of for years 🎉. If you are reading this on another platform, it is an automatic crosspost, feel free to check out my website.

Plain HTML is fun 🤓

Because I didn't want to give myself another reason to keep procrastinating, I decided to start this blog dead simple: plain HTML, no inline style, no CSS, no JS, whatsoever.

Surprisingly, after making the decision, I realized that HTML and the web were originally created for people to write, share, and communicate information. That why we have HTML tags title, article, header, headings ( h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6), paragraph (p), etc, they're all for writing articles and sharing stories. Over time, thanks to more and more powerful computers and browsers, HTML/CSS/JS became more and more like a framework to create interactive applications on the web.

This is such an interesting Aha! movement for me because I started with game and desktop programming, which are all about visualization and interactivity. All of my previous experience with web development were also about creating beautiful and interactive web applications. I've never happened to think of HTML as a means for writing and sharing stories.

This also answered one of my biggest unsolved questions in programming - why on earth there're many different HTML tags that have the same visualization and all the weird workaround-like positioning techniques ( float, clear: fix, etc). Coming from game and desktop development, absolute position, flex, and grid were always obvious options when it comes to layout and positioning for me. Now, it all makes sense 🤯 and it's very interesting to see how HTML - the core of The Internet has evolved over time.

Alright, that is it. I thought that I were gonna write more about why I started this blog and what value you can get from it, but I ran out of time, gotta write it tomorrow then.

Top comments (7)

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

Haha clever and, cherry on top, it makes your blog stand out all other blogs!

Well played 👍

phuctm97 profile image
Minh-Phuc Tran

Haha thanks, man! I kinda thought it's like but a bit worried about degraded user experience nowadays, probably have to do get some feedback from readers in the future. Have a great Christmas!

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

I understand your point on the user experience, that makes sense. Always a difficult balance to find, that's how the force work 😉.

Merry Xmas!

mjgs profile image
Mark Smith

I like how readable it is, plain and simple is refreshing in this modern world full of popups and consent forms.

It’s also quite sensible to keep your personal site minimalistic so there is low chance it will break, and very easy to make the site live anywhere.

Good luck with your blogging journey!

phuctm97 profile image
Minh-Phuc Tran

Love the feedback!! Thanks, Mark!

mreading2020 profile image

Intreasted to know how you auto post to the 59 sites and what they are. I'm new this and any decent info is gold for me right now.

phuctm97 profile image
Minh-Phuc Tran

Hey, I auto-post to only and Hashnode for now, planned to do it for Medium and HackerNoon soon, 59 sites are a little too extreme haha. I open-sourced my blog, so you can check it out, I'll write more about it as I build more features. DM me on Twitter if you need closer help!