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Learning web development is hard

console.log(Learning web development is hard)

Yup, you read it right. Learning web development is hard and that's a fact. Not only web development, but in fact everything that's worth learning takes time. For example cooking, if you want to be a good chef, you have to spend lots of time in the kitchen. Same is for web development career, good programmers spend lots of time in code editors. So, how to get better? My answer might not surprise you... The real key to mastery is practice. That's it. Nothing more but a good amount of practice! Watching some tutorials or courses won't make you even remotely as good as if you were practicing by yourself instead of just watching someone else to code. Will watching cooking tutorials make you a good chef? The answer is no. And same is for web development. You will get frustrated, sad and feel like giving up but that's okay. As I said earlier, learning web development is hard. You need to take your time and trust the process and eventually you'll get there.

My story

When I started learning web development, the first thing I started with was HTML and CSS. The first one seemed easy, but CSS at first felt daunting… there was so much about it to learn that it took me a few months to grasp it well. And when I finally felt good with CSS, JavaScript came on to the stage. It was even harder to add interactions to the page than just styling it with CSS. JavaScript is where the real web programming comes into play, as HTML and CSS are not programming languages(hate me or not). Getting fundamentals of JavaScript wasn't that hard, but the deeper into the concepts of programming the harder it gets. I’m over a year into the field and now I am currently struggling with React. It is hard but it is fun, so I enjoy every minute in vs code.


Web development is hard and don't let it discourage you, use it to fuel you instead. How? Embrace the process and the reward. It always was and will be a long and hard process

Let me know what you think about this article as it is my first one in the comments below! Thanks for reading and to the next one.

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