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Pragati Verma
Pragati Verma

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Unlocking the Power of API Pagination: Best Practices and Strategies

In the modern application development and data integration world, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the backbone for connecting various systems and enabling seamless data exchange. When working with APIs that return large datasets, efficient data retrieval becomes crucial for optimal performance and a smooth user experience. This is where API pagination comes into play.

In this article, we will discuss the best practices for implementing API pagination, ensuring that developers can handle large datasets effectively and deliver data in a manageable and efficient manner.

But before we jump into the best practices, let’s go over what is API pagination and the standard pagination techniques used in the present day.

Note: This article caters to developers with prior knowledge of APIs and experience in building or consuming them. While the best practices and concepts discussed are applicable across different programming languages, we will primarily use Python for illustrative examples throughout the article.

Understanding API Pagination

API pagination refers to a technique used in API design and development to retrieve large data sets in a structured and manageable manner. When an API endpoint returns a large amount of data, pagination allows the data to be divided into smaller, more manageable chunks or pages. Each page contains a limited number of records or entries. The API consumer or client can then request subsequent pages to retrieve additional data until the entire dataset has been retrieved.

Pagination typically involves the use of parameters, such as offset and limit or cursor-based tokens, to control the size and position of the data subset to be retrieved. These parameters determine the starting point and the number of records to include on each page.

By implementing API pagination, developers as well as consumers can have the following advantages -

  • Improved Performance: Retrieving and processing smaller chunks of data reduces the response time and improves the overall efficiency of API calls. It minimizes the load on servers, network bandwidth, and client-side applications.

  • Reduced Resource Usage: Since pagination retrieves data in smaller subsets, it reduces the amount of memory, processing power, and bandwidth required on both the server and the client side. This efficient resource utilization can lead to cost savings and improved scalability.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Paginated APIs provide a better user experience by delivering data in manageable portions. Users can navigate through the data incrementally, accessing specific pages or requesting more data as needed. This approach enables smoother interactions, faster rendering of results, and easier navigation through large datasets.

  • Efficient Data Transfer: With pagination, only the necessary data is transferred over the network, reducing the amount of data transferred and improving network efficiency.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Pagination allows APIs to handle large datasets without overwhelming system resources. It provides a scalable solution for working with ever-growing data volumes and enables efficient data retrieval across different use cases and devices.

  • Error Handling: With pagination, error handling becomes more manageable. If an error occurs during data retrieval, only the affected page needs to be reloaded or processed, rather than reloading the entire dataset. This helps isolate and address errors more effectively, ensuring smoother error recovery and system stability.

Some common examples of paginated APIs are as follows -

  • Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram often employ paginated APIs to retrieve posts, comments, or user profiles.
  • Online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy utilize paginated APIs to retrieve product listings, search results, or user reviews.
  • Banking or payment service providers often provide paginated APIs for retrieving transaction history, account statements, or customer data.
  • Job search platforms like Indeed or LinkedIn Jobs offer paginated APIs for retrieving job listings based on various criteria such as location, industry, or keywords.

Common API Pagination Techniques

There are several common API pagination techniques that developers employ to implement efficient data retrieval. Here are a few commonly used techniques:

1. Offset and Limit Pagination

This technique involves using two parameters: offset and limit. The "offset" parameter determines the starting point or position in the dataset, while the "limit" parameter specifies the maximum number of records to include on each page.

For example, an API request could include parameters like "offset=0" and "limit=10" to retrieve the first 10 records.

GET /api/posts?offset=0&limit=10
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2. Cursor-Based Pagination

Instead of relying on numeric offsets, cursor-based pagination uses a unique identifier or token to mark the position in the dataset. The API consumer includes the cursor value in subsequent requests to fetch the next page of data.

This approach ensures stability when new data is added or existing data is modified. The cursor can be based on various criteria, such as a timestamp, a primary key, or an encoded representation of the record.

For example -

GET /api/posts?cursor=eyJpZCI6MX0
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In the above API request, the cursor value eyJpZCI6MX0 represents the identifier of the last fetched record. This request retrieves the next page of posts after that specific cursor.

3. Page-Based Pagination

Page-based pagination involves using a "page" parameter to specify the desired page number. The API consumer requests a specific page of data, and the API responds with the corresponding page, typically along with metadata such as the total number of pages or total record count.

This technique simplifies navigation and is often combined with other parameters like "limit" to determine the number of records per page.

For example -

GET /api/posts?page=2&limit=20
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In this API request, we are requesting the second page, where each page contains 20 posts.

4. Time-Based Pagination

In scenarios where data has a temporal aspect, time-based pagination can be useful. It involves using time-related parameters, such as "start_time" and "end_time," to specify a time range for retrieving data.

This technique enables fetching data in chronological or reverse-chronological order, allowing for efficient retrieval of recent or historical data.

For example -

GET /api/events?start_time=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z&end_time=2023-01-31T23:59:59Z
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Here, this request fetches events that occurred between January 1, 2023, and January 31, 2023, based on their timestamp.

5. Keyset Pagination

Keyset pagination relies on sorting and using a unique attribute or key in the dataset to determine the starting point for retrieving the next page.

For example, if the data is sorted by a timestamp or an identifier, the API consumer includes the last seen timestamp or identifier as a parameter to fetch the next set of records. This technique ensures efficient retrieval of subsequent pages without duplication or missing records.

To further simplify this, consider an API request:

GET /api/products?last_key=XYZ123 
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Here, XYZ123 represents the last seen key or identifier. The request retrieves the next set of products after the one with the key XYZ123.

Now that we have learned about the common API pagination techniques, we are all ready to learn about the best practices to be followed while implementation of paginated APIs.

Best Practices for API Pagination

When implementing API pagination in Python, there are several best practices to follow. Let’s discuss these in detail:

1. Use a Common Naming Convention for Pagination Parameters:

Adopt a consistent naming convention for pagination parameters, such as "offset" and "limit" or "page" and "size." This makes it easier for API consumers to understand and use your pagination system.

2. Always include Pagination Metadata in API Responses:

Provide metadata in the API responses to convey additional information about the pagination. This can include the total number of records, the current page, the number of pages, and links to the next and previous pages. This metadata helps API consumers navigate through the paginated data more effectively.

For example, here’s how the response of a paginated API should look like -

 "data": [
     "id": 1,
     "title": "Post 1",
     "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
     "category": "Technology"
     "id": 2,
     "title": "Post 2",
     "content": "Praesent fermentum orci in ipsum.",
     "category": "Sports"
     "id": 3,
     "title": "Post 3",
     "content": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus.",
     "category": "Fashion"
 "pagination": {
   "total_records": 100,
   "current_page": 1,
   "total_pages": 10,
   "next_page": 2,
   "prev_page": null
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3. Determine an Appropriate Page Size:

Select an optimal page size that balances the amount of data returned per page. A smaller page size reduces the response payload and improves performance, while a larger page size reduces the number of requests required.

Determining an appropriate page size for a paginated API involves considering various factors, such as the nature of the data, performance considerations, and user experience.

Here are some guidelines to help you determine the optimal page size:

  1. Understand the Data Characteristics:
    Consider the size and complexity of the individual records in your dataset. If the records are relatively small, you may be able to accommodate a larger page size without significant performance impact. On the other hand, if the records are large or contain complex nested structures, it's advisable to keep the page size smaller to avoid excessively large response payloads.

  2. Consider Network Latency and Bandwidth:
    Take into account the typical network conditions and the potential latency or bandwidth limitations that your API consumers may encounter.

If users are on slower networks or have limited bandwidth, a smaller page size can help reduce the overall transfer time and improve the responsiveness of your API.

  1. Evaluate Performance Impact:
    Consider the performance implications of larger page sizes. While larger page sizes can reduce the number of API requests needed to retrieve a full dataset, they may also increase the response time and put additional strain on server resources. Measure the impact on performance and monitor the server load to strike a balance between page size and performance.

  2. Consider User Experience and Usability:
    Think about how API consumers will interact with the paginated data. Larger page sizes may result in fewer pages to navigate through, which can improve the user experience by reducing the number of pagination interactions.

However, excessively large page sizes may make it challenging for users to find specific records or navigate through the data efficiently. Consider the use cases and the needs of your API consumers when determining an optimal page size.

  1. Provide Flexibility with Pagination Parameters:
    Instead of enforcing a fixed page size, consider allowing API consumers to specify their preferred page size as a parameter. This flexibility empowers consumers to choose a page size that best suits their needs and network conditions.

  2. Solicit User Feedback:
    If possible, gather feedback from API consumers to understand their preferences and requirements regarding the page size.

Consider conducting surveys or seeking feedback through user forums or support channels to gather insights into their expectations and any pain points they might be experiencing.

4. Implement Sorting and Filtering Options:

Provide sorting and filtering parameters to allow API consumers to specify the order and subset of data they require. This enhances flexibility and enables users to retrieve targeted results efficiently.

Here's an example of how you can implement sorting and filtering options in a paginated API using Python. In this example, we'll use Flask, a popular web framework, to create the API:

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

# Dummy data
products = [
    {"id": 1, "name": "Product A", "price": 10.0, "category": "Electronics"},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Product B", "price": 20.0, "category": "Clothing"},
    {"id": 3, "name": "Product C", "price": 15.0, "category": "Electronics"},
    {"id": 4, "name": "Product D", "price": 5.0, "category": "Clothing"},
    # Add more products as needed

@app.route('/products', methods=['GET'])
def get_products():
    # Pagination parameters
    page = int(request.args.get('page', 1))
    per_page = int(request.args.get('per_page', 10))

    # Sorting options
    sort_by = request.args.get('sort_by', 'id')
    sort_order = request.args.get('sort_order', 'asc')

    # Filtering options
    category = request.args.get('category')
    min_price = float(request.args.get('min_price', 0))
    max_price = float(request.args.get('max_price', float('inf')))

    # Apply filters
    filtered_products = filter(lambda p: p['price'] >= min_price and p['price'] <= max_price, products)
    if category:
        filtered_products = filter(lambda p: p['category'] == category, filtered_products)

    # Apply sorting
    sorted_products = sorted(filtered_products, key=lambda p: p[sort_by], reverse=sort_order.lower() == 'desc')

    # Paginate the results
    start_index = (page - 1) * per_page
    end_index = start_index + per_page
    paginated_products = sorted_products[start_index:end_index]

    return jsonify(paginated_products)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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In this example, we define a /products endpoint that accepts various query parameters for sorting, filtering, and pagination. Here's how you can use these parameters:

  • page: The page number to retrieve (default is 1).
  • per_page: The number of items per page (default is 10).
  • sort_by: The field to sort the products by (default is 'id').
  • sort_order: The sort order ('asc' for ascending, 'desc' for descending, default is 'asc').
  • category: The category to filter the products by (optional).
  • min_price: The minimum price to filter the products by (default is 0).
  • max_price: The maximum price to filter the products by (default is infinity).

Here's an example cURL command to retrieve the first page of products sorted by price in descending order:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5000/products?page=1&per_page=10&sort_by=price&sort_order=desc'
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5. Preserve Pagination Stability:

Ensure that the pagination remains stable and consistent between requests. Newly added or deleted records should not affect the order or positioning of existing records during pagination. This ensures that users can navigate through the data without encountering unexpected changes.

To ensure that API pagination remains stable and consistent between requests, follow these guidelines:

  1. Use a Stable Sorting Mechanism:
    If you're implementing sorting in your pagination, ensure that the sorting mechanism remains stable. This means that when multiple records have the same value for the sorting field, their relative order should not change between requests. For example, if you sort by the "date" field, make sure that records with the same date always appear in the same order.

  2. Avoid Changing Data Order:
    Avoid making any changes to the order or positioning of records during pagination, unless explicitly requested by the API consumer. If new records are added or existing records are modified, they should not disrupt the pagination order or cause existing records to shift unexpectedly.

  3. Use Unique and Immutable Identifiers:
    It's good practice to use unique and immutable identifiers for the records being paginated. This ensures that even if the data changes, the identifiers remain constant, allowing consistent pagination. It can be a primary key or a unique identifier associated with each record.

  4. Handle Record Deletions Gracefully:
    If a record is deleted between paginated requests, it should not affect the pagination order or cause missing records. Ensure that the deletion of a record does not leave a gap in the pagination sequence. For example, if record X is deleted, subsequent requests should not suddenly skip to record Y without any explanation.

  5. **Use Deterministic Pagination Techniques:
    **Employ pagination techniques that offer deterministic results. Techniques like cursor-based pagination or keyset pagination, where the pagination is based on specific attributes like timestamps or unique identifiers, provide stability and consistency between requests.

6. Handle Edge Cases and Error Conditions:

Account for edge cases such as reaching the end of the dataset, handling invalid or out-of-range page requests, and gracefully handling errors. Provide informative error messages and proper HTTP status codes to guide API consumers in handling pagination-related issues.

Here are some key considerations for handling edge cases and error conditions in a paginated API:

  1. Out-of-Range Page Requests:
    When an API consumer requests a page that is beyond the available range, it's important to handle this gracefully. Return an informative error message indicating that the requested page is out of range and provide relevant metadata in the response to indicate the maximum available page number.

  2. Invalid Pagination Parameters:
    Validate the pagination parameters provided by the API consumer. Check that the values are within acceptable ranges and meet any specific criteria you've defined. If the parameters are invalid, return an appropriate error message with details on the issue.

  3. Handling Empty Result Sets:
    If paginated request results in an empty result set, indicate this clearly in the API response. Include metadata that indicates the total number of records and the fact that no records were found for the given pagination parameters. This helps API consumers understand that there are no more pages or data available.

  4. Server Errors and Exception Handling:
    Handle server errors and exceptions gracefully. Implement error handling mechanisms to catch and handle unexpected errors, ensuring that appropriate error messages and status codes are returned to the API consumer. Log any relevant error details for debugging purposes.

  5. Rate Limiting and Throttling:
    Consider implementing rate limiting and throttling mechanisms to prevent abuse or excessive API requests. Enforce sensible limits to protect the API server's resources and ensure fair access for all API consumers. Return specific error responses (e.g., HTTP 429 Too Many Requests) when rate limits are exceeded.

  6. Clear and Informative Error Messages:
    Provide clear and informative error messages in the API responses to guide API consumers when errors occur. Include details about the error type, possible causes, and suggestions for resolution if applicable. This helps developers troubleshoot and address issues effectively.

  7. Consistent Error Handling Approach:
    Establish a consistent approach for error handling throughout your API. Follow standard HTTP status codes and error response formats to ensure uniformity and ease of understanding for API consumers.

For example, consider the following API -

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

# Dummy data
products = [
    {"id": 1, "name": "Product A", "price": 10.0, "category": "Electronics"},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Product B", "price": 20.0, "category": "Clothing"},
    {"id": 3, "name": "Product C", "price": 15.0, "category": "Electronics"},
    {"id": 4, "name": "Product D", "price": 5.0, "category": "Clothing"},
    # Add more products as needed

@app.route('/products', methods=['GET'])
def get_products():
        # Pagination parameters
        page = int(request.args.get('page', 1))
        per_page = int(request.args.get('per_page', 10))

        # Sorting options
        sort_by = request.args.get('sort_by', 'id')
        sort_order = request.args.get('sort_order', 'asc')

        # Filtering options
        category = request.args.get('category')
        min_price = float(request.args.get('min_price', 0))
        max_price = float(request.args.get('max_price', float('inf')))

        # Validate pagination parameters
        if page < 1 or per_page < 1:
            raise ValueError('Invalid pagination parameters')

        # Apply filters
        filtered_products = filter(lambda p: p['price'] >= min_price and p['price'] <= max_price, products)
        if category:
            filtered_products = filter(lambda p: p['category'] == category, filtered_products)

        # Apply sorting
        sorted_products = sorted(filtered_products, key=lambda p: p[sort_by], reverse=sort_order.lower() == 'desc')

        # Validate page number
        total_products = len(sorted_products)
        total_pages = (total_products + per_page - 1) // per_page
        if page > total_pages:
            raise ValueError('Invalid page number')

        # Paginate the results
        start_index = (page - 1) * per_page
        end_index = start_index + per_page
        paginated_products = sorted_products[start_index:end_index]

        return jsonify({
            'page': page,
            'per_page': per_page,
            'total_pages': total_pages,
            'total_products': total_products,
            'products': paginated_products

    except ValueError as e:
        return jsonify({'error': str(e)}), 400

if __name__ == '__main__':
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In this example, we wrap the logic of the /products endpoint in a try-except block. If any error occurs during the execution, we catch it and return a JSON response with an error message and an appropriate status code (400 for client errors).

Some error scenarios we handle in this example include:

  • Invalid pagination parameters (page or per_page less than 1)
  • Invalid page number (exceeding the total number of pages)

If any of these errors occur, an exception is raised with a descriptive error message. The exception is caught in the except block, and we return a JSON response with the error message and a status code of 400 (Bad Request).

7. Consider Caching Strategies:

Implement caching mechanisms to store paginated data or metadata that does not frequently change. Caching can help improve performance by reducing the load on the server and reducing the response time for subsequent requests.

Here are some caching strategies you can consider:

  1. Page-Level Caching:
    Cache the entire paginated response for each page. This means caching the data along with the pagination metadata. This strategy is suitable when the data is relatively static and doesn't change frequently.

  2. Result Set Caching:
    Cache the result set of a specific query or combination of query parameters. This is useful when the same query parameters are frequently used, and the result set remains relatively stable for a certain period. Cache the result set and serve it directly for subsequent requests with the same parameters.

  3. Time-Based Caching:
    Set an expiration time for the cache based on the expected freshness of the data. For example, cache the paginated response for a certain duration, such as 5 minutes or 1 hour. Subsequent requests within the cache duration can be served directly from the cache without hitting the server.

  4. Conditional Caching:
    Use conditional caching mechanisms like HTTP ETag or Last-Modified headers. The server can respond with a 304 Not Modified status if the client's cached version is still valid. This reduces bandwidth consumption and improves response time when the data has not changed.

  5. Reverse Proxy Caching:
    Implement a reverse proxy server like Nginx or Varnish in front of your API server to handle caching. Reverse proxies can cache the API responses and serve them directly without forwarding the request to the backend API server. This offloads the caching responsibility from the application server and improves performance.


In conclusion, implementing effective API pagination is essential for providing efficient and user-friendly access to large datasets. By following best practices, such as including pagination metadata, using stable sorting mechanisms, and applying appropriate caching strategies, developers can optimize the performance, scalability, and usability of their paginated APIs.

By incorporating these best practices into the design and implementation of paginated APIs, developers can create highly performant, scalable, and user-friendly interfaces for accessing large datasets. With careful consideration of pagination techniques, error handling, and caching strategies, API developers can empower their consumers to efficiently navigate and retrieve the data they need, ultimately enhancing the overall API experience.

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Top comments (13)

amreen7 profile image
Aamreen Charles Joy

Good article, that too beginner friendly! Thanks a lot

nhwilly profile image

Just now trying to add this to my project. Thanks!!

thegreyhatguy profile image
The Grey Hat Guy

God blesses is an eye catching article . actually i have get under the hood of this paginations.

angelotheman profile image
Angel Oduro-Temeng Twumasi

My first time dealing with Pagination. Your article has been so helpful.


ajaymanikanta1123 profile image
Guddeti Ajay Manikanta ⭐⭐⭐

Great Article Pragathi. Hope to see many such beautiful posts in future. Thanks.

pragativerma18 profile image
Pragati Verma

Thank you so much Ajay 😁

kothariji profile image
Dhruv Kothari

great read, thanks for sharing 💡

aksuharun profile image
Harun Aksu

I learnt more than what I am looking for.

nikolai1312 profile image
Nicolas Evangelista

This is insane, what a great post! Thanks for sharing!

sheetal_pahadi profile image
Sheetal Pahadi

Easy to read while still being very informative. Thanks for sharing!

asaf_eliasim profile image
Asaf Eliasim

Thank you for sharing, it is a g8 article. Can u explain what is the difference between the cursor-based to the keyset?

pragativerma18 profile image
Pragati Verma

Thank you so much, I am glad that you liked this article. To answer your question in brief -

Cursor-based pagination uses pointers to navigate the dataset, while keyset pagination relies on the values of specific fields to determine the next set of results. Cursors are used for dynamic datasets, while keyset pagination is efficient for large datasets with stable sorting.

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