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Pratik Kale
Pratik Kale

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Advanced Git Techniques

Welcome to the fifteenth blog of the series!

Git is a powerful version control system that enables efficient collaboration and tracking of code changes. While Git offers a straightforward workflow for everyday use, there are advanced techniques that can further enhance your productivity and flexibility. In this blog post, we will explore some of these advanced Git techniques, including branch management, rebasing, cherry-picking, and interactive staging.

Branch Management

Branching is a fundamental concept in Git that allows you to work on multiple code streams concurrently. Here are a few advanced techniques for managing branches:

Creating a New Branch

To create a new branch, use the git branch command followed by the branch name:

git branch new-feature
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This creates a new branch named new-feature based on the current branch you're on.

Switching Between Branches

To switch to a different branch, use the git checkout command:

git checkout new-feature
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This switches your working directory to the new-feature branch.

Deleting a Branch

Once you've merged a branch or no longer need it, you can delete it using the git branch -d command:

git branch -d new-feature
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Renaming a Branch

To rename a branch, you can use the -m option with the git branch command:

git branch -m new-name
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Rebasing is a technique used to incorporate changes from one branch onto another branch. It allows you to maintain a clean and linear history. Here's an example:

git checkout feature-branch
git rebase main
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This rebases the feature-branch onto the main branch, applying the changes from main on top of the feature-branch.


Cherry-picking is a technique that allows you to apply a specific commit from one branch onto another branch. Here's how you can do it:

git checkout target-branch
git cherry-pick <commit-hash>
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This applies the changes from the specified commit onto the target-branch.

Interactive Staging

Interactive staging allows you to selectively stage changes within a file, providing fine-grained control over what gets committed. Here's how to do it:

git add -p <file-name>
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This opens the interactive staging mode, which presents each change within the file. You can choose to stage or skip individual changes based on your requirements.

Git Reflog

Git reflog is a powerful tool that allows you to view the history of branch references, including branches that have been deleted or modified. It can be helpful for recovering lost commits or branches. Use the following command to access the reflog:

git reflog
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Git Worktree

Git worktree is a feature that allows you to work on multiple branches simultaneously without switching between directories. It's particularly useful when you need to make changes in one branch while keeping another branch's working directory intact. Here's how to use it:

git worktree add <path> <branch-name>
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This creates a new worktree at the specified path, linked to the given branch.


These advanced Git techniques empower you to streamline your workflow, manage branches effectively, and maintain a clean commit history. By mastering techniques such as branch management, rebasing, cherry-picking, interactive staging, and utilizing Git tools like reflog and worktree, you can take full advantage of Git's capabilities. Experiment with these techniques in your projects, and over time, you'll become a more proficient Git user, enabling smoother collaboration and efficient code management.

Thank you for reading and do let me know your thoughts in comments!

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