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Olúwadára Àjàó
Olúwadára Àjàó

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A Newbie's Guide to Open Source: Getting Started

Welcome to the world of open source as a newbie in tech! Open source projects provide an incredible opportunity to learn, collaborate, and contribute. Let's explore the essential steps to begin your open source journey.

  • Find the Right Project: Choose a project aligned with your interests and skills. Look for projects on platforms like GitHub, focusing on smaller or beginner-friendly ones.

  • Understand the Project: Read the project's README and documentation to grasp its purpose, goals, and coding conventions.

  • Set Up Your Environment: Follow the project's instructions to set up your development environment.

  • Start Small: Begin with manageable tasks labeled "good first issue" or "beginner-friendly."

  • Engage with the Community: Join the project's communication channels, ask questions, and seek guidance from experienced contributors.

  • Make Your Contribution: Create a new branch, make your changes, and follow the project's guidelines for code formatting and commit messages.

  • Embrace Feedback: Welcome feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve. Address suggestions, iterate, and engage in discussions.

  • Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones such as merged pull requests or completing challenging tasks.

Starting in open source as a newbie is an exciting journey. By following these steps, you'll be on your way to making meaningful contributions and becoming an active part of the open source community. Embrace the learning process, stay curious, and enjoy the rewards of open source development. Happy coding, and welcome to the world of open source!

Top comments (1)

sirneij profile image
John Owolabi Idogun

Welcome @priest . Hope you enjoy yourself.