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I Created a .NET 8 Web Api Project Template

Introducing My Web API Project Template: A Time-Saver for .NET Developers

Are you tired of spending hours setting up a new Web API project from scratch? I know I was. That's why I decided to create a project template that includes all the essential features I need for my Web API projects. This template is designed to save you time and ensure a smooth development workflow.

Why This Template?

I am sure there are lots of project templates out there which make setting up new projects faster and easier. But I also have a habit of doing things for myself. So When I had to setup a Web API project in .NET 8, it took a while to setup all my desired features.


Setting up a Web API project in .NET 8 can be a daunting task, especially when you want to include specific features like:

  • Entity Framework Core for robust data access
  • Swagger with API versioning for easy API documentation and testing
  • NLog for comprehensive logging
  • SignalR for real-time communication

I've spent some time configuring and testing these features to ensure they're development-ready. Now, I'm sharing this template with you to help streamline your project setup process.

How to Use the Template

Note: I have created and tested this template in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8. It should work in version >17.0.

  • Download the Template: Visit the GitHub Repository of the template project.
  • Get the Template File: Download the template file from the Release section of the repository.
  • Copy the Template file to C:\Users\{User}\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ProjectTemplates
  • Create A new Project and select the template from the list of templates. If you don't see the template search for it.

Create New Project in Visual Studio 2022

Customize and Use

Feel free to customize the template to fit your project's needs.

Need Help or Want to Contribute?

I'm always open to feedback and contributions. If you have any suggestions for improvements or encounter any issues with the template, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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