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How to find your next remote job as a developer

Developers don't want to work at the company office anymore ! And it's one of the jobs where it's the easiest to find a remote job, so here's some tips in order to help you !


Linkedin is full of bullshitter but it's also a great place to find a job as a remote developer. If you don't have a profile yet, just create one and fill it with all your programming skills. And then... just wait for recruiter, I receive like 5/10 job offers per day and I never post on it !

Job boards

There are many job boards for remote positions. Companies pay to list their jobs and they are waiting for applicants !
Here's a list :


Meetup a platform to find events, and many are for developers, there are bound to be some around you and you can meet people whose companies are hiring!

Personal website

A personal website can help you to find a job if it's well indexed on Google ! It can be a good strategy for front-end developers, you can show your skills directly on your website ! Don't forget a link to your github ;)

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