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stegbrute - Fast Steganography brute-force tool

stegbrute - stands for steganography and bruteforce is a fast and simple steganography brute-force tool written in rust very useful in ctf challanges

How to use it

First of all you need to download the program, you can download it in 4 ways they are all documentated in the Github repository or just download them from the releases section.

now that you have stegbrute installed run it with -h or β€” help option, this is what you should see

     ____  _             ____             _
    / ___|| |_ ___  __ _| __ ) _ __ _   _| |_ ___
    \___ \| __/ _ \/ _` |  _ \| '__| | | | __/ _ \
     ___) | ||  __/ (_| | |_) | |  | |_| | ||  __/
    |____/ \__\___|\__, |____/|_|   \__,_|\__\___|

StegBrute v0.1.1 - By R4yan

StegBrute 0.1.1
R4yan <>
Steganography bruteforce tool

    stegbrute [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --file-name <file-name> --wordlist <wordlist>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    shows every try the program does

    -x, --extract-file <extract-file>    the file name path where you want to write the results [default:
    -f, --file-name <file-name>          the file name path you want to crack
    -t, --threads <threads>              number of threads to bruteforce the file [default: 3]
    -w, --wordlist <wordlist>            path of the wordlist
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

now you can crack any image!,

example on how to use stegbrute

stegbrute -f image.jpg -w wordlist.txt -x results.txt

where -f is the file you want to crack, -w is the wordlist (a big list of passwords), -x is where you want to save your results, output :

     ____  _             ____             _
    / ___|| |_ ___  __ _| __ ) _ __ _   _| |_ ___
    \___ \| __/ _ \/ _` |  _ \| '__| | | | __/ _ \
     ___) | ||  __/ (_| | |_) | |  | |_| | ||  __/
    |____/ \__\___|\__, |____/|_|   \__,_|\__\___|
                   |___/StegBrute v0.1.1 - By R4yan the file 'image.jpg' with the wordlist 'wordlist.txt' using 3 threads
(thread-0) Failed to crack the file, finished the passwords 178.02ms
(thread-2) Failed to crack the file, finished the passwords 284.84ms
password try: cool123 - Success
File extracted!
Password: cool123
Results written in: results.txt
Tried passwords : 62
Successfully cracked in 499.64ms
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

it’s pretty fast, stegbrute tried 62 passords in half a second! as you can see it also shows the status of every thread


I saw around also stegcracker wich is also a great program so i tried to compare it to stegbrute, and these are the results:

stegcracker :

# time stegcracker image.jpg wordlist.txt | grep -E "real|user|sys"real    0m1.754s
user    0m0.420s
sys     0m0.362s
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

stegbrute :

# time stegbrute -f image.jpg -w wordlist.txt | grep -E "real|user|sys"real    0m0.553s
user    0m0.366s
sys     0m0.460s
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

this says that stegbrute is more faster than stegcracker (i also tried to compare using other large wordlists)


I also made a benchmark of stegrute using different large wordlists i found on the internet

the table can be found here

these values ​​of course can vary on due to your machine power

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