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Cover image for Chingu Voyage Log: Start Your Engines and Let's Go! Sprint 3
Rafael D. Hernandez
Rafael D. Hernandez

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Chingu Voyage Log: Start Your Engines and Let's Go! Sprint 3

MoTo, which is the name of our app that stands for Momentum Toucans, is starting to take form. With our first draft sketches and wireframes in place, each of us took a feature or responsibility to work on this week.

Weekly Debriefing

Our weekly meetings starts by going over 3 key questions and it is followed by any suggestions. These questions are answered by each member preferably before our weekly meeting on a google doc that we all have access to. This ensures that we all have clear answers from each member and without any misunderstandings. If we have completed our weeks' self-assigned feature, we take any available feature or keep working on the previous feature if needed.

Three important features got started last week, which I believe are the foundation of our app.
These are:

  • Layout: HTML, and CSS.
  • Responsiveness: Responsive layout to automatically adjust to mobile and larger screens.
  • Time: Showing current time.

We had a few roadblocks this past week in our Github workflow, but nothing serious. Mostly was us getting familiar with ZenHub, and our Pull Request steps process.

Week's Tasks and Features

  • Ming, who worked on the responsiveness feature, will continue to work the mobile responsiveness and the Team info popup modal to display at full screen. Also, Ming published our first sprint blog post.
  • Ola, was responsible on keeping everyone on track with MVP, and UX/UI tasks. Ola will take the Weather API and script feature to work in sprint 4.
  • Sophia Li, worked on the time feature and will take the Quotes feature.
  • I, RafaelDavish, worked on the HTML and CSS and will take on the Pomodoro feature.

My Experience

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It's my first voyage, and my first time working with a remote team. I have to say, I am loving every minute of this Chingu Voyage 13. What I enjoyed the most is when we put our heads together to come out with the app idea. This process is exciting for me because I believe this is when my most creative ideas are born and I can imagine the possibilities.

Whats Next?

We have more features to work on for this app, things to fix, test and finally, the app deployment. I am looking forward to see the finished product. Next week is Thanksgiving, and I am definitely thankful for team Toucans 3!

*This blog post is written by Rafael Davis Hernandez and reviewed by Ola, Ming, and Sophia Li before publishing. Join us on our journey! Learn more by reading our voyage logs: sprint 1, sprint 2, sprint 4, sprint 5, sprint 6 🚀.

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