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Cover image for Sprint 6: Chingu Voyage Log: MoTo is Alive!!
Rafael D. Hernandez
Rafael D. Hernandez

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Sprint 6: Chingu Voyage Log: MoTo is Alive!!

MoTo is alive! Well, more like its live at Netlify and GitHub. Its has been six weeks of hard work, weekly meetings, hundreds of messages back and forth on Discord, multiple pull requests, pull request conflicts, and tons of lines of code. We set our MVP, and we delivered.

Weekly Debriefing

Each member answered our weekly questions before our weekly meeting on a Google doc, asked questions, and suggestions on our previous process and moving forward, specifically on our GitHub PR process.

Week's Tasks and Features

Ming worked on the MIT feature, tried the responsiveness on mobile landscape but had some trouble making it work properly. She also worked on the pomodoro responsive layout and helped Sophia Li with the modal code. Sophia worked on the TODO feature, gave the final touches to the previous sprint blog post, and did some research on how to do a Chrome extension, which MoTo is currently on 'pending review'.

I worked on the responsive layout for small screens and landscape view for the Pomodoro modal. I also worked on the Weather UI, and researched about 'git-secret' to figure out how to hide and use once deployed the weather API key. I had no success figuring out how to hide and use the API key since we did not use any framework, but HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Ola had to visit family and she was not going to be able to continue to participate for the last two weeks of the voyage but worked hard to complete her previous tasks and hoped to help with the publishing of MoTo.

Team Toucans03 - MoTo Reflections

We, the Toucans03 are an excellent team, and I was fortunate to be part of it. I gained invaluable friendships and working experience. I learned a lot about development, planning, and communication, which I need to practice more. Ming was glad to be part of a dedicated team and had a great time working with all of us. Sophia Li was excited that we made a real app and completed it in just 6 to 7 weeks.

This blog post is written by Rafael Davis Hernandez and reviewed by Ming, and Sophia before publishing. Join us on our journey! Learn more by reading our voyage logs: sprint 1, sprint 2, sprint 3, sprint 4, sprint 5, FINAL POSTšŸš€.

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