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GitHub repositories that developers should know

1. Free Programming Books.

Offered in a variety of different languages Free Programming Books, it contains sections of free online courses, interactive programming resources, problem sets and competitive programming, programming playgrounds and podcasts and cheat sheets for many programming language.

2. Developer Roadmap.

It has many the technologies you need to know if you want to become a Frontend or Backend or DevOps Engineer. It has many the alternative technologies from which can choose whatever suits your need or comfort.

3. OSSU Computer Science.

If you don't have a computer science background or degree and want the equivalent knowledge same as a Computer Science degree then this repository is for you. It's for those who want a proper, well-rounded grounding in concepts fundamental to all computing disciplines.

4. Awesome

As the name describes it has an Awesome lists of all kinds of interesting topics ranging from computer science to media, from gaming to business and the list goes on.

5. Build your own X

If you are a person who believes in the principle of "Learning by doing" then this repository has the potential of becoming your daily stop at GitHub. It has links to the resources which help you build your own Cryptocurrency, Database, Bots, BitTorrent Clients, and many more.

6. Coding Interview University

Coding Interview University has a multi-month study plan to become a software engineer for a large tech company like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, or any other software company. It offers advice on how to study to become a reliability engineer or operations engineer. It also has links to the flashcards for quickly brushing up your knowledge and stay updated originally created by the author of the repository who landed a job at Amazon. And there are much more success stories like that.

7. Public Apis

Public Apis has a collective list of all the free APIs available on the internet to use in your personal or professional projects. It offers a wide range of Application Programming interfaces (APIs) such as business, anime, animals, news, finance, games, and more.

8. Tech Interview Handbook

Tech Interview Handbook has all the materials that you need to crack a Tech Interview. It has a variety of material regarding How to prepare for coding interviews, Good questions to ask your interviewer, Helpful tips on resume, and many more.

9. System Design Primer

System Design Primer is a great repository for software engineers that will help you learn how to design large-scale systems. That will then help you become a better engineer. The repo provides an organized collection of resources for this broad topic.
Because system design often is a required component of the technical interview process at many companies, this repository can also help you to prepare for those interviews with a study guide, advice on how to approach an interview, interview questions with solutions, Anki flashcard sets for interactive learning, and interactive coding challenges.

10. Design Resources for Developers

This repository has a curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more, available for free to use in your projects and applications. It offers all the template stuff you need to get started with your web development projects.

11. Awesome Repos

It has a number of resourceful repositories packed in just one place. All you have to do is just visit this repository that's it.


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