DEV Community

Rajae Robinson
Rajae Robinson

Posted on • Originally published at

Migrating JavaScript Projects to TypeScript

TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, offers static typing, reducing runtime errors and enhancing code maintainability.

This guide summarises the steps from this article on migrating JavaScript projects to TypeScript.

Start Small: Migrating an entire project at once can be overwhelming. Begin by selecting a small, less critical part of your codebase. This could be a single file or a module. Convert it to TypeScript and ensure it's working as expected before moving on to larger sections.

Addressing Types: As you convert JavaScript to TypeScript, you'll likely encounter type-related issues. TypeScript may flag areas where types are unclear or incompatible. Address these issues by providing explicit type annotations.

You may find that using the any type gets rid of type errors but this completely throws away the main benefit of Typescript which is improved type safety. You might be better off using the unknown type in a scenario where you are not sure which type to use. Visit this article to learn more about when to use unknown vs any.

External Libraries: Leverage DefinitelyTyped for type definitions when using external JavaScript libraries.

JSDoc Annotations: Use JSDoc comments to add type information, particularly for third-party libraries without TypeScript support.

Testing and Validation: Thoroughly test and review your code to ensure a smooth transition.

Advantages of Migrating to TypeScript:

  1. Strong Typing
  2. Improved Tooling Support like auto-completion and refactoring.
  3. Better Code Documentation
  4. Easier Collaboration

Should you use Typescript?

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