Hi everyone,
For a long time, I have been thinking to build my own portfolio website. Finally, a few months ago, I started drawing, on paper, how my website should look. I implemented each component one by one and improved them by taking advice from friends. I used React.js for building the website. I wanted to share it with the Dev Community, because, this community was there to help me with silly doubts and detailed posts.
Here is the link to my website: https://www.rajivnayanc.com
and link to GitHub repo for the same:
Rajiv Nayan Choubey's Personal Website
I would really appreciate honest reviews so that I can improve in the next version of the website. Also, please share your websites so that we all can get inspired by each other.
Thank You!
Top comments (2)
I think it would be a better experience for a user if they could scroll to the next section, instead of having to hover&click on the menu
Okay. Thanks. That would be included in next version soon. I somehow feel that too.