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Meet your heroes!

Millions of times I’ve heard (and I'm sure you have too) “never meet your heroes”

And, like every time someone tells me not to do something, that is exactly what I do.

Because you are too, if you’re in this world of code, a rebel of some sort. We like things our way, we like to code to shape things and we like to experience things other than being told, not to.

So back to heroes, I tried to reach out to some of the people that have become heroes to me while I was learning to code. People I would take as reference, people I’ve learned from and who have been to me a great example of who I wanted to become in the end. I wanted to meet them, not to be disappointed but to let them know they are my heroes. I tried to reach out to people who recorded live lectures that I’ve found helpful, live project builds that have been inspiring and that I’ve used as guidance to build my own projects. People who have designed cool stuff that I use.

That is a great thing to do and I don’t see myself stopping at any point. The world has enough heroes, we just need more people to let them know how great they are! To encourage them!

Be a hero to your hero, be brave to reach out to someone you don’t even know and let them know how much their work has influenced you, show appreciation! Close that circle and you’ll be amazed by how your heroes become your peers and many who where overestimated will drop their masks unveiling they where never real heroes.

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