We’re super excited that Sibelius Seraphini, one of the most proficient open source contributor in the community, will be giving a workshop on Relay.js with all the latest bells and whistles on the 16th of May.
If like us, you religiously watched the latest presentations on how the React, Relay and Facebook webcore team cooperated to build the new Facebook F5 and if you’ve been wanting to build the same optimizations that come with concurrent mode into your own apps, then this workshop is for you!
Here are some of the points you will learn:
- Best Practices for Suspense
- Load Data Incrementally: Dynamically loading code and using fragments for your components
- Render As You Fetch pattern via the preloadQuery() and usePreloadedQuery()
- Using useTransition to make route transitions more seamless
- usePaginationFragment for colocation of data-dependencies with the view and pagination
- using the relay compiler to take advantage of TypeScript types with GraphQL types
You’ll learn how to put all these techniques together to bring the best experience possible to your users.
And if it gets released by May, we’ll also include the new SSR API and more.
While Relay has had a reputation of being a bit more complex than other GraphQL clients alternatives, it's been way more simple and flexible since the Relay Modern release and Sibelius is a really passionate early user of it and he will make a great job of explaining it to you. Relay also remains unmatched when it comes to optimizations, cache management, concurrent mode and more.
Good knowledge of React and beginner in TypeScript and GraphQL are required.
Get your ticket here https://www.react-europe.org/#tickets
Also in case you missed it, we have six other workshops to choose from about React.js, React Native, GraphQL, Next.js, Gatsby, Forms and more*.*
Looking forward to see you there!
-the ReactEurope team
PS: if you would like to sponsor the conference, get in touch with us at reacteurope@eventlama.com
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